title: “How to Set Up HugeGraph-Server Development Environment in IDEA” linkTitle: “How to Set Up HugeGraph-Server Development Environment in IDEA” weight: 4

NOTE: The following configuration is for reference purposes only, and has been tested on Linux and macOS platforms based on this version.


The Quick Start section provides instructions on how to start and stop HugeGraphServer using scripts. In this guide, we will explain how to run and debug HugeGraph-Server on the Linux platform using IntelliJ IDEA.

The core steps for local startup are the same as starting with scripts:

  1. Initialize the database backend by executing the InitStore class to initialize the graph.
  2. Start HugeGraphServer by executing the HugeGraphServer class to load the initialized graph information and start the server.

Before proceeding with the following process, make sure that you have cloned the source code of HugeGraph and have configured the development environment, such as JDK 11.

git clone https://github.com/apache/hugegraph.git


1. Copy Configuration Files

To avoid the impact of configuration file changes on Git tracking, it is recommended to copy the required configuration files to a separate folder. Run the following command to copy the files:

cp -r hugegraph-dist/src/assembly/static/scripts hugegraph-dist/src/assembly/static/conf path-to-your-directory

Replace path-to-your-directory with the path to the directory where you want to copy the files.

2. Configure InitStore to initialize the graph

First, you need to configure the database backend in the configuration files. In this example, we will use RocksDB. Open path-to-your-directory/conf/graphs/hugegraph.properties and configure it as follows:


Next, open the Run/Debug Configurations panel in IntelliJ IDEA and create a new Application configuration. Follow these steps for the configuration:

  • Select hugegraph-dist as the Use classpath of module.
  • Set the Main class to org.apache.hugegraph.cmd.InitStore.
  • Set the program arguments to conf/graphs/hugegraph.properties. Note that the path here is relative to the working directory, so make sure to set the working directory to path-to-your-directory.

Once the configuration is completed, run it. If the execution is successful, the following runtime logs will be displayed:

2023-06-05 00:43:37 [main] [INFO] o.a.h.u.ConfigUtil - Scanning option 'graphs' directory './conf/graphs'
2023-06-05 00:43:37 [main] [INFO] o.a.h.c.InitStore - Init graph with config file: ./conf/graphs/hugegraph.properties
2023-06-05 00:43:39 [main] [INFO] o.a.h.b.s.r.RocksDBStore - Write down the backend version: 1.11
2023-06-05 00:43:39 [main] [INFO] o.a.h.StandardHugeGraph - Graph 'hugegraph' has been initialized
2023-06-05 00:43:39 [main] [INFO] o.a.h.StandardHugeGraph - Close graph standardhugegraph[hugegraph]
2023-06-05 00:43:39 [db-open-1] [INFO] o.a.h.b.s.r.RocksDBStore - Opening RocksDB with data path: ./m
2023-06-05 00:43:39 [db-open-1] [INFO] o.a.h.b.s.r.RocksDBStore - Opening RocksDB with data path: ./s
2023-06-05 00:43:39 [db-open-1] [INFO] o.a.h.b.s.r.RocksDBStore - Opening RocksDB with data path: ./g
2023-06-05 00:43:39 [main] [INFO] o.a.h.HugeFactory - HugeFactory shutdown
2023-06-05 00:43:39 [hugegraph-shutdown] [INFO] o.a.h.HugeFactory - HugeGraph is shutting down

3. Running HugeGraphServer

Similarly, open the Run/Debug Configurations panel in IntelliJ IDEA and create a new Application configuration. Follow these steps for the configuration:

  • Select hugegraph-dist as the Use classpath of module.
  • Set the Main class to org.apache.hugegraph.dist.HugeGraphServer.
  • Set the program arguments to conf/gremlin-server.yaml conf/rest-server.properties. Similarly, note that the path here is relative to the working directory, so make sure to set the working directory to path-to-your-directory.

Once the configuration is completed, run it. If you see the following logs, it means that HugeGraphServer has been successfully started:

2023-06-05 00:51:56 [gremlin-server-boss-1] [INFO] o.a.t.g.s.GremlinServer - Gremlin Server configured with worker thread pool of 1, gremlin pool of 8 and boss thread pool of 1.
2023-06-05 00:51:56 [gremlin-server-boss-1] [INFO] o.a.t.g.s.GremlinServer - Channel started at port 8182.

4. Debugging HugeGraphServer (optional)

After completing the above configuration, you can try debugging HugeGraphServer. Run HugeGraphServer in debug mode and set a breakpoint at the following location:

public String list(@Context GraphManager manager,
                   @PathParam("graph") String graph, @QueryParam("label") String label,
                   @QueryParam("properties") String properties, ......) {
    // ignore log
    Map<String, Object> props = parseProperties(properties);

Then use the RESTful API to request HugeGraphServer:

curl "http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/graph/vertices" | gunzip

At this point, you can view detailed variable information in the debugger.

Possible Issues

java: package sun.misc does not exist

The reason may be that cross-compilation is triggered when using Java 11 to compile, causing the symbol of sun.misc.Unsafe used in the project to not be found. There are two possible solutions:

  1. In IntelliJ IDEA, go to Preferences/Settings and find the Java Compiler panel. Then, disable the --release option (recommended).
  2. Set the Project SDK to 8.


  1. HugeGraph-Server Quick Start
  2. Local Debugging Guide for HugeGraph Server (Win/Unix)
  3. “package sun.misc does not exist” compilation error
  4. Cannot compile: java: package sun.misc does not exist