A Python SDK for Apache HugeGraph
pip3 install hugegraph-python
cd /path/to/hugegraph-python-client # Normal install pip install . # (Optional) install the devel version pip install -e .
from pyhugegraph.client import PyHugeClient # For HugeGraph API version ≥ v3: (Or enable graphspace function) # - The 'graphspace' parameter becomes relevant if graphspaces are enabled.(default name is 'DEFAULT') # - Otherwise, the graphspace parameter is optional and can be ignored. client = PyHugeClient("", "8080", user="admin", pwd="admin", graph="hugegraph", graphspace="DEFAULT") """" Note: Could refer to the official REST-API doc of your HugeGraph version for accurate details. If some API is not as expected, please submit a issue or contact us. """ schema = client.schema() schema.propertyKey("name").asText().ifNotExist().create() schema.propertyKey("birthDate").asText().ifNotExist().create() schema.vertexLabel("Person").properties("name", "birthDate").usePrimaryKeyId().primaryKeys("name").ifNotExist().create() schema.vertexLabel("Movie").properties("name").usePrimaryKeyId().primaryKeys("name").ifNotExist().create() schema.edgeLabel("ActedIn").sourceLabel("Person").targetLabel("Movie").ifNotExist().create() print(schema.getVertexLabels()) print(schema.getEdgeLabels()) print(schema.getRelations()) """Init Graph""" g = client.graph() g.addVertex("Person", {"name": "Al Pacino", "birthDate": "1940-04-25"}) g.addVertex("Person", {"name": "Robert De Niro", "birthDate": "1943-08-17"}) g.addVertex("Movie", {"name": "The Godfather"}) g.addVertex("Movie", {"name": "The Godfather Part II"}) g.addVertex("Movie", {"name": "The Godfather Coda The Death of Michael Corleone"}) g.addEdge("ActedIn", "12:Al Pacino", "13:The Godfather", {}) g.addEdge("ActedIn", "12:Al Pacino", "13:The Godfather Part II", {}) g.addEdge("ActedIn", "12:Al Pacino", "13:The Godfather Coda The Death of Michael Corleone", {}) g.addEdge("ActedIn", "12:Robert De Niro", "13:The Godfather Part II", {}) res = g.getVertexById("12:Al Pacino").label # g.removeVertexById("12:Al Pacino") print(res) g.close() """Execute Gremlin Query""" g = client.gremlin() res = g.exec("g.V().limit(5)") print(res)