blob: 2653cb75c1e61aba9a879e3ac847f0b2ab1c1ae3 [file] [log] [blame]
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<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Apache Hivemall</name>
<description>Scalable Machine Learning Library for Apache Hive</description>
<name>Apache Hivemall</name>
<name>Apache License, Version 2.0</name>
<!-- Initial Committers -->
<name>Makoto Yui</name>
<organization>Treasure Data, Inc.</organization>
<role>PPMC Member</role>
<role>Initial Developer</role>
<name>Takashi Yamamuro</name>
<organization>Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT)</organization>
<role>PPMC Member</role>
<role>Apache Spark Contributor</role>
<name>Daniel Dai</name>
<organization>Hortonworks Inc.</organization>
<role>PPMC Member</role>
<role>ASF Member</role>
<role>Apache Pig PMC Chair</role>
<name>Kai Sasaki</name>
<organization>Treasure Data, Inc.</organization>
<role>PPMC Member</role>
<name>Tsuyoshi Ozawa</name>
<organization>Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT)</organization>
<role>PPMC Member</role>
<role>Apache Hadoop Committer</role>
<!-- Project mentors -->
<name>Roman Shaposhnik</name>
<organization>Pivotal Inc.</organization>
<role>PPMC Member</role>
<role>ASF Member</role>
<role>Incubator PMC Member</role>
<role>Apache Bigtop PMC Member</role>
<name>Reynold Xin</name>
<organization>Databricks Inc.</organization>
<role>PPMC Member</role>
<role>ASF Member</role>
<role>Apache Spark PMC Member</role>
<name>Markus Weimer</name>
<organization>Microsoft Corporation</organization>
<role>PPMC Member</role>
<role>ASF Member</role>
<role>Apache REEF Chair</role>
<name>Xiangrui Meng</name>
<organization>Databricks Inc.</organization>
<role>PPMC Member</role>
<role>ASF Member</role>
<role>Apache Spark PMC Member</role>
<!-- start maven central -->
<!-- sources.jar -->
<!-- javadoc.jar -->
<!-- workaround for Java 8 -->
<!-- see -->
<!-- gpg sign -->
<!-- end maven central -->
<!-- mvn formatter:format -->
<!-- mvn license:check; mvn license:format -->
<!-- mvn formatter:format -->
<!-- mvn license:check; mvn license:format -->
<argLine>-Xmx1536m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError</argLine>
<!-- start coveralls -->
<!-- aggregated reports for multi-module projects -->
<!-- end overalls -->
<!-- start sonatype deploy -->
<!-- mvn clean deploy -DperformRelease=true -Dskiptests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -->
<!-- end sonatype deploy -->
<!-- start mvn site -->
<!-- end mvn site -->
<system>Travis CI</system>