| # Container-based infrastructure has been fully deprecated. |
| # https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/reference/trusty/#container-based-infrastructure |
| sudo: false |
| |
| env: |
| global: |
| # The next declaration is the encrypted COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN, created |
| # via the "travis encrypt" command using the project repo's public key |
| - secure: "gYAzVukFw3ssmQzfovoKTNJnzQbUhF13tksHHhe5dqQWglxdix39wY405nMmzRm/21ZpIq3OFIlI7fnHdZSGkVPS/nPPxbzUkjYUh+zkujYwsqgjZecq9vGaoarnyV9CcI+2D6qUVnArHQ02FKxirtXduGvElZ/eRIa/hBfpgn4=" |
| |
| dist: trusty |
| |
| language: java |
| jdk: |
| # - openjdk7 |
| - oraclejdk8 |
| - oraclejdk9 |
| - oraclejdk11 |
| |
| branches: |
| only: |
| - master |
| |
| notifications: |
| email: false |
| |
| cache: |
| directories: |
| - $HOME/.m2 |
| |
| script: |
| - ./bin/run_travis_tests.sh |
| |
| after_success: |
| - mvn clean cobertura:cobertura coveralls:report |