This page explains how to run matrix factorization on MovieLens 1M dataset.
use movielens; select avg(rating) from training;
-- mean rating set hivevar:mu=3.593565; -- number of factors set hivevar:factor=10; -- maximum number of training iterations set hivevar:iters=50;
Note that there are no need to set an exact value for $mu
. It actually works without setting $mu
but recommended to set one for getting a better prediction.
Due to a bug in Hive, do not issue comments in CLI.
create table sgd_model as select idx, array_avg(u_rank) as Pu, array_avg(m_rank) as Qi, avg(u_bias) as Bu, avg(m_bias) as Bi from ( select train_mf_sgd(userid, movieid, rating, '-factor ${factor} -mu ${mu} -iter ${iters}') as (idx, u_rank, m_rank, u_bias, m_bias) from training ) t group by idx;
Hivemall also provides train_mf_adagrad for training using AdaGrad.
option shows a complete list of hyperparameters.
select t2.actual, mf_predict(t2.Pu, p2.Qi, t2.Bu, p2.Bi, ${mu}) as predicted from ( select t1.userid, t1.movieid, t1.rating as actual, p1.Pu, p1.Bu from testing t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN sgd_model p1 ON (t1.userid = p1.idx) ) t2 LEFT OUTER JOIN sgd_model p2 ON (t2.movieid = p2.idx);
select mae(predicted, actual) as mae, rmse(predicted, actual) as rmse from ( select t2.actual, mf_predict(t2.Pu, p2.Qi, t2.Bu, p2.Bi, ${mu}) as predicted from ( select t1.userid, t1.movieid, t1.rating as actual, p1.Pu, p1.Bu from testing t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN sgd_model p1 ON (t1.userid = p1.idx) ) t2 LEFT OUTER JOIN sgd_model p2 ON (t2.movieid = p2.idx) ) t;
0.6728969407733578 | 0.8584162122694449 |
Recommend top-k movies that a user have not ever seen.
set hivevar:userid=1; set hivevar:topk=5; select t1.movieid, mf_predict(t2.Pu, t1.Qi, t2.Bu, t1.Bi, ${mu}) as predicted from ( select idx movieid, Qi, Bi from sgd_model p where p.idx NOT IN (select movieid from training where userid=${userid}) ) t1 CROSS JOIN ( select Pu, Bu from sgd_model where idx = ${userid} ) t2 order by predicted DESC limit ${topk};
movieid | predicted |
318 | 4.8051853 |
2503 | 4.788541 |
53 | 4.7518783 |
904 | 4.7463417 |
953 | 4.732769 |