This document describe how to do Item-based Collaborative Filtering using Hivemall.
Caution: naive similarity computation is O(n^2)
to compute all item-item pair similarity. MinHash is an efficient scheme for computing jaccard similarity. Section 6 show how to use MinHash in Hivemall.
Prepare following transaction table. We are generating feature_vector
for each item_id
based on cooccurrence of purchased items, a sort of bucket analysis.
userid | itemid | purchase_at timestamp |
1 | 31231 | 2015-04-9 00:29:02 |
1 | 13212 | 2016-05-24 16:29:02 |
2 | 312 | 2016-06-03 23:29:02 |
3 | 2313 | 2016-06-04 19:29:02 |
.. | .. | .. |
What we want for creating a feature vector for each item is the following cooccurrence
itemid | other | cnt |
583266 | 621056 | 9999 |
583266 | 583266 | 18 |
31231 | 13212 | 129 |
31231 | 31231 | 3 |
31231 | 9833 | 953 |
... | ... | ... |
Feature vectors of each item will be as follows:
itemid | feature_vector array<string> |
583266 | 621056:9999, 583266:18 |
31231 | 13212:129, 31231:3, 9833:953 |
... | ... |
Note that value of feature vector should be scaled for k-NN similarity computation e.g., as follows:
itemid | feature_vector array<string> |
583266 | 621056:ln(9999+1) , 583266:ln(18+1) |
31231 | 13212:ln(129+1) , 31231:ln(3+1) , 9833:ln(953+1) |
... | ... |
The following queries results in creating the above table.
The following query creates a table that contains userid, itemid, and purchased_at. The table represents the last user-item contact (purchase) while the transaction
table holds all contacts.
CREATE TABLE user_purchased as -- INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE user_purchased select userid, itemid, max(purchased_at) as purchased_at, count(1) as purchase_count from transaction -- where purchased_at < xxx -- divide training/testing data by time group by userid, itemid ;
Note: Better to avoid too old transactions because those information would be outdated though an enough number of transactions is required for recommendation.
Caution: Item-Item cooccurrence matrix is a symmetric matrix that has the number of total occurrence for each diagonal element . If the size of items are k
, then the size of expected matrix is k * (k - 1) / 2
, usually a very large one.
Better to use 2.2.2. instead of 2.2.1. for creating a cooccurrence
table where dataset is large.
create table cooccurrence as -- INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE cooccurrence select u1.itemid, u2.itemid as other, count(1) as cnt from user_purchased u1 JOIN user_purchased u2 ON (u1.userid = u2.userid) where u1.itemid != u2.itemid -- AND u2.purchased_at >= u1.purchased_at -- the other item should be purchased with/after the base item group by u1.itemid, u2.itemid -- having -- optional but recommended to have this condition where dataset is large -- cnt >= 2 -- count(1) >= 2 ;
Caution: Note that specifying having cnt >= 2
has a drawback that item cooccurrence is not calculated where cnt
is less than 2. It could result no recommended items for certain items. Please ignore having cnt >= 2
if the following computations finish in an acceptable/reasonable time.
Caution: We ignore a purchase order in the following example. It means that the occurrence counts of ItemA -> ItemB
and ItemB -> ItemA
are assumed to be same. It is sometimes not a good idea e.g., for Camera -> SD card
and SD card -> Camera
Better to create Upper Triangular Matrix that has itemid > other
if resulting table is very large. No need to create Upper Triangular Matrix if your Hadoop cluster can handle the following instructions without considering it.
create table cooccurrence_upper_triangular as -- INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE cooccurrence_upper_triangular select u1.itemid, u2.itemid as other, count(1) as cnt from user_purchased u1 JOIN user_purchased u2 ON (u1.userid = u2.userid) where u1.itemid > u2.itemid group by u1.itemid, u2.itemid ;
create table cooccurrence as -- INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE cooccurrence select * from ( select itemid, other, cnt from cooccurrence_upper_triangular UNION ALL select other as itemid, itemid as other, cnt from cooccurrence_upper_triangular ) t;
required to be embedded in Hive.
create table cooccurrence_upper_triangular as WITH t1 as ( select u1.itemid, u2.itemid as other, count(1) as cnt from user_purchased u1 JOIN user_purchased u2 ON (u1.userid = u2.userid) where u1.itemid > u2.itemid group by u1.itemid, u2.itemid ), t2 as ( select each_top_k( -- top 1000 1000, itemid, cnt, itemid, other, cnt ) as (rank, cmpkey, itemid, other, cnt) from ( select * from t1 CLUSTER BY itemid ) t; ) -- INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE cooccurrence_upper_triangular select itemid, other, cnt from t2;
create table cooccurrence as WITh t1 as ( select itemid, other, cnt from cooccurrence_upper_triangular UNION ALL select other as itemid, itemid as other, cnt from cooccurrence_upper_triangular ), t2 as ( select each_top_k( 1000, itemid, cnt, itemid, other, cnt ) as (rank, cmpkey, itemid, other, cnt) from ( select * from t1 CLUSTER BY itemid ) t ) -- INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE cooccurrence select itemid, other, cnt from t2;
You can optionally compute cooccurrence ratio as follows:
WITH stats as ( select itemid, sum(cnt) as totalcnt from cooccurrence group by itemid ) INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE cooccurrence_ratio SELECT l.itemid, l.other, (l.cnt / r.totalcnt) as ratio FROM cooccurrence l JOIN stats r ON (l.itemid = r.itemid) group by l.itemid, l.other ;
l.cnt / r.totalcnt
represents a cooccurrence ratio of range [0,1]
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE item_features SELECT itemid, -- scaling `ln(cnt+1)` to avoid large value in the feature vector -- rounding to xxx.yyyyy to reduce size of feature_vector in array<string> collect_list(feature(other, round(ln(cnt+1),5))) as feature_vector FROM cooccurrence GROUP BY itemid ;
Item-Item similarity computation is known to be computation complexity O(n^2)
where n
is the number of items. Depending on your cluster size and your dataset, the optimal solution differs.
Note: Better to use 3.1.1. scheme where dataset is large.
This version involves 3-way joins w/ large data shuffle; However, this version works in parallel where a cluster has enough task slots.
WITH similarity as ( select o.itemid, o.other, cosine_similarity(t1.feature_vector, t2.feature_vector) as similarity from cooccurrence o JOIN item_features t1 ON (o.itemid = t1.itemid) JOIN item_features t2 ON (o.other = t2.itemid) ), topk as ( select each_top_k( -- get top-10 items based on similarity score 10, itemid, similarity, itemid, other -- output items ) as (rank, similarity, itemid, other) from ( select * from similarity where similarity > 0 -- similarity > 0.01 CLUSTER BY itemid ) t ) INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE item_similarity select itemid, other, similarity from topk;
Note item_similarity
is a similarity matrix. So, you can compute it from an upper triangular matrix as follows.
WITH cooccurrence_top100 as ( select each_top_k( 100, itemid, cnt, itemid, other ) as (rank, cmpkey, itemid, other) from ( select * from cooccurrence_upper_triangular CLUSTER BY itemid ) t ), similarity as ( select o.itemid, o.other, cosine_similarity(t1.feature_vector, t2.feature_vector) as similarity from cooccurrence_top100 o -- cooccurrence_upper_triangular o JOIN item_features t1 ON (o.itemid = t1.itemid) JOIN item_features t2 ON (o.other = t2.itemid) ), topk as ( select each_top_k( -- get top-10 items based on similarity score 10, itemid, similarity, itemid, other -- output items ) as (rank, similarity, itemid, other) from ( select * from similarity where similarity > 0 -- similarity > 0.01 CLUSTER BY itemid ) t ) INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE item_similarity_upper_triangler select itemid, other, similarity from topk;
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE item_similarity select * from ( select itemid, other, similarity from item_similarity_upper_triangler UNION ALL select other as itemid, itemid as other, similarity from item_similarity_upper_triangler ) t;
Alternatively, you can compute cosine similarity as follows. This version involves cross join and thus runs sequentially in a single task. However, it involves less shuffle when compared to 3.1.
WITH similarity as ( select t1.itemid, t2.itemid as other, cosine_similarity(t1.feature_vector, t2.feature_vector) as similarity from item_features t1 CROSS JOIN item_features t2 WHERE t1.itemid != t2.itemid ), topk as ( select each_top_k( -- get top-10 items based on similarity score 10, itemid, similarity, itemid, other -- output items ) as (rank, similarity, itemid, other) from ( select * from similarity where similarity > 0 -- similarity > 0.01 CLUSTER BY itemid ) t ) INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE item_similarity select itemid, other, similarity from topk ;
item | other | similarity |
583266 | 621056 | 0.33 |
583266 | 583266 | 0.18 |
31231 | 13212 | 1.29 |
31231 | 31231 | 0.3 |
31231 | 9833 | 0.953 |
... | ... | ... |
This section introduces item-based recommendation based on recently purchased items by each user.
Caution: It would better to ignore recommending some of items that user already purchased (only 1 time) while items that are purchased twice or more would be okey to be included in the recommendation list (e.g., repeatedly purchased daily necessities). So, you would need an item property table showing that each item is repeatedly purchased items or not.
First, prepare recently_purchased_items
table as follows:
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE recently_purchased_items select each_top_k( -- get top-5 recently purchased items for each user 5, userid, purchased_at, userid, itemid ) as (rank, purchased_at, userid, itemid) from ( select purchased_at, userid, itemid from user_purchased -- where [optional filtering] -- purchased_at >= xxx -- divide training/test data by time CLUSTER BY user_id -- Note CLUSTER BY is mandatory when using each_top_k ) t;
WITH topk as ( select each_top_k( 5, userid, cnt, userid, other ) as (rank, cnt, userid, rec_item) from ( select t1.userid, t2.other, max(t2.cnt) as cnt from recently_purchased_items t1 JOIN cooccurrence t2 ON (t1.itemid = t2.itemid) where t1.itemid != t2.other -- do not include items that user already purchased AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT a.itemid FROM user_purchased a WHERE a.userid = t1.userid AND a.itemid = t2.other -- AND a.purchased_count <= 1 -- optional ) group by t1.userid, t2.other CLUSTER BY userid -- top-k grouping by userid ) t1 ) INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE item_recommendation select userid, map_values(to_ordered_map(rank, rec_item)) as rec_items from topk group by userid ;
WITH topk as ( select each_top_k( 5, userid, similarity, userid, other ) as (rank, similarity, userid, rec_item) from ( select t1.userid, t2.other, max(t2.similarity) as similarity from recently_purchased_items t1 JOIN item_similarity t2 ON (t1.itemid = t2.itemid) where t1.itemid != t2.other -- do not include items that user already purchased AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT a.itemid FROM user_purchased a WHERE a.userid = t1.userid AND a.itemid = t2.other -- AND a.purchased_count <= 1 -- optional ) group by t1.userid, t2.other CLUSTER BY userid -- top-k grouping by userid ) t1 ) INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE item_recommendation select userid, map_values(to_ordered_map(rank, rec_item)) as rec_items from topk group by userid ;
Refer this article to get details about MinHash and Jarccard similarity. This blog article also explains about Hivemall's minhash.
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE minhash -- results in 30x records of item_features select -- assign 30 minhash values for each item minhash(itemid, feature_vector, "-n 30") as (clusterid, itemid) -- '-n' would be 10~100 from item_features ; WITH t1 as ( select l.itemid, r.itemid as other, count(1) / 30 as similarity -- Pseudo jaccard similarity '-n 30' from minhash l JOIN minhash r ON (l.clusterid = r.clusterid) where l.itemid != r.itemid group by l.itemid, r.itemid having count(1) >= 3 -- [optional] filtering equals to (count(1)/30) >= 0.1 ), top100 as ( select each_top_k(100, itemid, similarity, itemid, other) as (rank, similarity, itemid, other) from ( select * from t1 -- where similarity >= 0.1 -- Optional filtering. Can be ignored. CLUSTER BY itemid ) t2 ) INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE jaccard_similarity select itemid, other, similarity from top100 ;
Caution: Note that there might be no similar item for certain items.
You can compute top-k
similar items based on cosine similarity, following rough top-N
similar items listing using minhash, where k << N
(e.g., k=10 and N=100).
WITH similarity as ( select o.itemid, o.other, cosine_similarity(t1.feature_vector, t2.feature_vector) as similarity from jaccard_similarity o JOIN item_features t1 ON (o.itemid = t1.itemid) JOIN item_features t2 ON (o.other = t2.itemid) ), topk as ( select each_top_k( -- get top-10 items based on similarity score 10, itemid, similarity, itemid, other -- output items ) as (rank, similarity, itemid, other) from ( select * from similarity where similarity > 0 -- similarity > 0.01 CLUSTER BY itemid ) t ) INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE cosine_similarity select itemid, other, similarity from topk;