title: Quick Start Guide description: Run a single-node Heron cluster on your laptop aliases:

  • /docs/install.html

The current version of Heron is {{% heronVersion %}}

The easiest way to get started learning Heron is to install the Heron client tools, which are currently available for:

For other platforms, you need to build from source. Please refer to the [guide to compiling Heron] (../developers/compiling/compiling).

Step 1 --- Download the Heron tools

Heron tools can be installed on macOS using Homebrew and on Linux using installation scripts.

You can install using installation scripts on macOS as well.


The easiest way to get started with Heron on macOS is using Homebrew:

$ brew install heron

This will install a variety of executables and other resources by default in /usr/local/opt/heron.

Homebrew may use a different folder than /usr/local/opt/heron. To check which folder is being used, run brew --prefix heron.

Using installation scripts

To install Heron binaries directly, using installation scripts, go to Heron's releases page on GitHub and see a full listing of Heron releases for each available platform. The installation script for macOS (darwin), for example, is named heron-install-{{% heronVersion %}}-darwin.sh.

Download the for your platform either from the releases page or using wget. Here's a wget example for Ubuntu:

$ wget https://github.com/apache/incubator-heron/releases/download/{{% heronVersion %}}/heron-install-{{% heronVersion %}}-ubuntu.sh

Once you've downloaded the script, make it executable using chmod:

$ chmod +x heron-*.sh

The script will install executables in the ~/bin folder. You should add that folder to your PATH using export PATH=~/bin:$PATH.

Now run the Heron client installation script with the --user flag set. Here's an example for Ubuntu:

$ ./heron-install-{{% heronVersion %}}-ubuntu.sh --user
Heron installer

Heron is now installed!

To check that Heron is successfully installed, run heron version:

$ heron version
heron.build.git.revision : 26bb4096130a05f9799510bbce6c37a69a7342ef
heron.build.git.status : Clean
heron.build.host : ...
heron.build.time : Sat Aug  6 12:35:47 PDT {{% currentYear %}}
heron.build.timestamp : 1470512147000
heron.build.user : ...
heron.build.version : {{% heronVersion %}}

Step 2 --- Launch an example topology

Note for macOS users

If you want to run topologies locally on macOS, you may need to add your hostname to your /etc/hosts file under localhost. Here's an example line: localhost My-Mac-Laptop.local. You can fetch your hostname by simply running hostname in your shell.

If you set the --user flag when running the installation scripts, some example topologies will be installed in your ~/.heron/examples directory. You can launch an example topology locally (on your machine) using the Heron CLI tool:

$ heron submit local \
  ~/.heron/examples/heron-streamlet-examples.jar \
  org.apache.heron.examples.streamlet.WindowedWordCountTopology \
  WindowedWordCountTopology \

The output should look something like this:

INFO: Launching topology 'WindowedWordCountTopology'


INFO: Topology 'WindowedWordCountTopology' launched successfully
INFO: Elapsed time: 3.409s.

This will submit the topology to your locally running Heron cluster but it won't activate the topology because the --deploy-deactivated flag was set. Activating the topology will be explored in step 5 below.

Note that the output shows whether the topology has been launched successfully as well the working directory for the topology.

To check what's under the working directory, run:

$ ls -al ~/.herondata/topologies/local/${ROLE}/WindowedWordCountTopology
-rw-r--r--   1 username  staff     6141 Oct 12 09:58 WindowedWordCountTopology.defn
-rw-r--r--   1 username  staff        5 Oct 12 09:58 container_1_flatmap1_4.pid
-rw-r--r--   1 username  staff        5 Oct 12 09:58 container_1_logger1_3.pid
# etc.

All instances' log files can be found in log-files under the working directory:

$ ls -al ~/.herondata/topologies/local/${ROLE}/WindowedWordCountTopology/log-files
total 408
-rw-r--r--   1 username  staff   5055 Oct 12 09:58 container_1_flatmap1_4.log.0
-rw-r--r--   1 username  staff      0 Oct 12 09:58 container_1_flatmap1_4.log.0.lck
-rw-r--r--   1 username  staff   5052 Oct 12 09:58 container_1_logger1_3.log.0
# etc.

Step 3 --- Start Heron Tracker

The Heron Tracker is a web service that continuously gathers information about your Heron cluster. You can launch the tracker by running the heron-tracker command (which is already installed):

$ heron-tracker
... Running on port: 8888
... Using config file: $HOME/.herontools/conf/heron_tracker.yaml

You can reach Heron Tracker in your browser at http://localhost:8888 and see something like the following upon successful submission of the topology: Heron Tracker

To explore Heron Tracker, please refer to Heron Tracker Rest API

Step 4 --- Start Heron UI

Heron UI is a user interface that uses Heron Tracker to provide detailed visual representations of your Heron topologies. To launch Heron UI:

$ heron-ui
... Running on port: 8889
... Using tracker url: http://localhost:8888

You can open Heron UI in your browser at http://localhost:8889 and see something like this upon successful submission of the topology: Heron UI

To play with Heron UI, please refer to Heron UI Usage Guide

Step 5 --- Explore topology management commands

In step 2 you submitted a topology to your local cluster. The heron CLI tool also enables you to activate, deactivate, and kill topologies and more.

$ heron activate local WindowedWordCountTopology
$ heron deactivate local WindowedWordCountTopology
$ heron kill local WindowedWordCountTopology

Upon successful actions, a message similar to the following will appear:

INFO: Successfully activated topology 'WindowedWordCountTopology'
INFO: Elapsed time: 1.980s.

For more info on these commands, read about topology lifecycles.

To list the available CLI commands, run heron by itself:

usage: heron <command> <options> ...

Available commands:
    activate           Activate a topology
    deactivate         Deactivate a topology
    help               Prints help for commands
    kill               Kill a topology
    restart            Restart a topology
    submit             Submit a topology
    version            Print version of heron-cli

For detailed documentation, go to http://heronstreaming.io

To invoke help output for a command, run heron help COMMAND. Here's an example:

$ heron help submit
usage: heron submit [options] cluster/[role]/[environ] topology-file-name topology-class-name [topology-args]

Required arguments:
  cluster/[role]/[env]  Cluster, role, and environ to run topology
  topology-file-name    Topology jar/tar/zip file
  topology-class-name   Topology class name

Optional arguments:
  --config-path (a string; path to cluster config; default: "$HOME/.heron/conf")
  --config-property (key=value; a config key and its value; default: [])
  --deploy-deactivated (a boolean; default: "false")
  -D DEFINE             Define a system property to pass to java -D when
                        running main.
  --verbose (a boolean; default: "false")

Step 6 --- Explore other example topologies

The source code for the example topologies can be found [on GitHub]({{% githubMaster %}}/examples/src/java/org/apache/heron/examples). The included example topologies:

  • AckingTopology.java --- A topology with acking enabled.
  • ComponentJVMOptionsTopology.java --- A topology that supplies JVM options for each component.
  • CustomGroupingTopology.java --- A topology that implements custom grouping.
  • ExclamationTopology.java --- A spout that emits random words to a bolt that then adds an exclamation mark.
  • MultiSpoutExclamationTopology.java --- a topology with multiple spouts.
  • MultiStageAckingTopology.java --- A three-stage topology. A spout emits to a bolt that then feeds to another bolt.
  • TaskHookTopology.java --- A topology that uses a task hook to subscribe to event notifications.


In case of any issues, please refer to Quick Start Troubleshooting.

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