date: 2016-02-28T13:10:21-08:00 title: Upgrade Storm Topologies to Heron

Heron is designed to be fully backward compatible with existing Apache Storm projects, allowing simple Maven POM.xml changes to migrate existing Storm topologies.

Step 1 - Download pre-compiled Heron API binaries with install script

Navigate to Twitter Heron Releases and download the following self extracting binary API install script for your platform.

  • heron-api-install

For example, if you want to download for Mac OSX (darwin), the corresponding binaries will be

  • heron-api-install-<version>

where <version> is the desired heron version.

Run the download self installing binary for heron API as follows (example for version 0.13.2). Note “--user --maven” syntax.

$ chmod +x
$ ./ --user --maven
Heron API installer

# Binary package at HEAD (@)
   - [Commit](
Installing jars to local maven repo.

Heron API is now installed!

See to start a new project!

Heron API is now installed in local Maven .m2 repository:


Step 2 - Add Heron Dependencies to POM.xml file

Copy POM.xml dependency segments below and paste into your exsiting Storm POM.xml file in Dependencies block.


Step 3 - Remove Storm Dependencies from POM.xml file

Delete Storm dependency in POM.xml file.


Step 4 (if needed) - Remove Clojure Plugin from POM.xml file

Delete Clojure Plugin from POM.xml file


Step 5 - Run Maven Clean, Complie, Package commands

Run Maven Lifecycle commands

$ mvn clean
$ mvn compile
$ mvn package

Note: Storm Distribute RPC is deprecated in Heron.

Step 5 (optional) - Launch Upgraded Heron Topology

Launch the compiled Maven project on local cluster using submit.

Modify your project base directory “{basedir}” and “{PATH-TO-PROJECT}.jar”, by Maven convention located in: ${basedir}/target


$ heron submit local ${basedir}/target/PATH-TO-PROJECT.jar TOPOLOGY-FILE-NAME TOPOLOGY-CLASS-NAME

Example submit command using example topology from Getting Started guide:

usage: heron submit local topology-file-name topology-class-name [topology-args]

$ heron submit local ~/.heron/examples/heron-examples.jar com.twitter.heron.examples.ExclamationTopology ExclamationTopology

Next Steps - Deploying or Developing

Deploying Existing topologies in clustered, scheduler-driven environments (Aurora, Mesos, Local)

Developing Topologies with the Architecture of Heron