date: 2016-02-28T13:10:21-08:00 title: Getting Started - Local (Single Node)

Run topologies locally using pre-compiled Heron binaries (Mac OSX, Ubuntu >= 14.04, Centos7)

Step 1 - Download pre-compiled Heron binaries with install scripts

Navigate to Twitter Heron Releases and download the following self extracting binary install scripts for your platform.

  • heron-client-install
  • heron-tools-install

For example, if you want to download for Mac OSX (darwin), the corresponding binaries will be

  • heron-client-install-<version>
  • heron-tools-install-<version>

where <version> is the desired heron version.

Run the download self installing binary for heron client as follows

$ chmod +x
$ ./ --user
Heron is now installed!
Make sure you have "/Users/$USER/bin" in your path.

Run the download self installing binary for heron tools as follows

$ chmod +x
$ ./ --user
Heron Tools is now installed!
Make sure you have "/Users/$USER/bin" in your path.

Step 2 - Launch an example topology

Launch an example topology on local cluster using submit:

$ heron submit local ~/.heron/examples/heron-examples.jar com.twitter.heron.examples.ExclamationTopology ExclamationTopology

Step 3 - Start Heron Tracker

Open a new terminal window and launch heron-tracker:

$ heron-tracker
... Running on port: 8888
... Using config file: /Users/USERNAME/.herontools/conf/localfilestateconf.yaml

In local browser, Heron tracker can be reached at http://localhost:8888

Step 4 - Start Heron UI

Open a new terminal window and launch UI:

$ heron-ui
... Running on port: 8889
... Using tracker url: http://localhost:8888

In local browser, Heron UI is available at http://localhost:8889

Step 5 - Explore activate, deactivate, and kill topology commands

$ heron activate local ExclamationTopology
$ heron deactivate local ExclamationTopology
$ heron kill local ExclamationTopology

Explore the Heron CLI and the topology lifecycle. To list the available CLI commands:

usage: heron <command> <options> ...

Available commands:
    activate           Activate a topology
    deactivate         Deactivate a topology
    help               Prints help for commands
    kill               Kill a topology
    restart            Restart a topology
    submit             Submit a topology
    version            Print version of heron-cli

For detailed documentation, go to

To invoke the help for submitting a topology:

$ heron help submit 
usage: heron submit [options] cluster/[role]/[environ] topology-file-name topology-class-name [topology-args]

Required arguments:
  cluster/[role]/[env]  Cluster, role, and environ to run topology
  topology-file-name    Topology jar/tar/zip file
  topology-class-name   Topology class name

Optional arguments:
  --config-path (a string; path to cluster config; default: "/Users/USERNAME/.heron/conf/<cluster>")
  --config-property (a string; a config property; default: [])
  --deploy-deactivated (a boolean; default: "false")
  --verbose (a boolean; default: "false")

Step 6 - Explore other example topologies

The source code for the example topologies can be found at heron/examples/src/java/com/twitter/heron/examples. - a topology with acking enabled. - a topology that supplies JVM options for each component. - a topology that implements custom grouping. - a spout emits random words to a bolt that adds an explanation mark. - a topology with multiple spouts. - a three stage topology. A spout emits to bolt that feeds to another bolt. - a topology that uses a task hook to subscribe for event notifications.

Next Steps

Upgrade Storm topologies with simple POM.xml changes

Deploy topologies in clustered, scheduler-driven environments (Aurora, Mesos, Local)

Develop topologies for the Heron Architecture