Python DSL (#2033)

* Added first cut of python dsl

* Added first cut of text input

* Made everything a Streamlet

* Added BUILD file and did the first set of fixes

* Added MapBolt

* Added FlatMapBolt

* Added FilterBolt and FlatMapBolt

* Added partial sample bolt

* Added JoinBolt and JoinGrouping

* Added RepartitionBolt

* Made everything TIMEWINDOW

* Join now support sliding interval

* Added ReduceByWindow Bolt

* Switched everything to reducebykeyandwindow bolt

* Fixed all compilation issues

* Added StaticLines Streamlet

* Merged spouts inside the streamlet files

* Changed function name

* Added a dsl example

* reduce takes timewindow

* Fixed the format of Stream constructor

* Fixed bugs while composing dag

* Fixed more bugs

* Fixed the way to specify custom grouping

* Fixed generation of stage names

* Specify classpath rather than instances

* Fixed the Reduce/Join Custom grouping

* Fixed logic for join/reduce tuple

* Fixed the format of output tupled

* Addressed review comments
16 files changed
tree: 735d803353d0530f6d63c06a911531f172541fde
  1. .applatix/
  2. config/
  3. contrib/
  4. docker/
  5. heron/
  6. integration_test/
  7. release/
  8. scripts/
  9. third_party/
  10. tools/
  11. vagrant/
  12. website/
  13. .gitignore
  14. .gitmodules
  15. .travis.yml
  19. NOTICE

Build Status


Heron is realtime analytics platform developed by Twitter. It is the direct successor of Apache Storm, built to be backwards compatible with Storm's topology API but with a wide array of architectural improvements.

For more information:


We recently merged updates to run Heron natively using Mesos in AWS, Mesos/Aurora in AWS, and locally on a laptop.

We also added beta testing for Apache YARN support using Apache REEF, in addition to the Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management (SLURM).

We are working to add support for Mesosphere DC/OS and Kubernetes. We will continue to post updates as we progress.


The official documentation for Heron is located at To contribute to documentation, build and run the documentation locally. More information can be found in the documentation README.