title: Heron Shell

Heron shell helps debugging a heron topology. It is an HTTP server that runs as a separate process in every container. It exposes many utilities through REST APIs. These utilities are described below in more details.

The port to connect to heron shell for each container is stored in the physical plan. Heron tracker picks up this port and connects to shell. See the next section for more details.

Shell Utilities

Log files

This is probably the most useful utility of shell. Since relative paths to log files are known, these paths are directly embedded in UI through Tracker. This makes the logs available in the browser. The log files start at the end and users can scroll up a page at a time, or download them locally.


A container is expected to run in a sandbox directory. All the files under this directory are accessible through shell. This can be used to download the jars or tars for a topology, or browse through, download, or even view the files online. Viewing and downloading log files is one special case of browse.

Pid of a process

Each instance in the topology runs as a separate jvm process. This allows us to monitor each spout or bolt instance in isolation. To run more sophisticated operations on the process as mentioned in this list below, we need to know the process id of the process running as that instance.

Jstack of a process

This utility runs the jstack command on the jvm process that is running an instance. The result is passed back through the REST API which can be viewed directly in the browser.

Jmap of a process

This utility runs jmap on the process running one instance to capture a heap dump. Since a heap dump can be huge, the dump file is created on the host that is running the container. This file can be downloaded using the info that is returned as the response to this endpoint. The dumps are also accessible through the “browse” utility.

Memory histogram of a process

This utility runs jmap with -histo option, to output the memory histogram for the jvm process of an instance. The resulting histogram is passed back as part of the response, and can be viewed directly in the browser.