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Heron Kafka Spout

Kafka Spout enables a Heron topology to consume data from Kafka cluster as input into the stream processing pipeline. Primarily, it is written using 2 APIs, the Heron API and Kafka Client API.

##Configuring the underlying Kafka Consumer

Each Kafka Spout instance creates its underlying Consumer instance via a factory interface KafkaConsumerFactory that is passed in as one of the constructor arguments.

The simplest way is to use the provided DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory. It takes a Map<String, Object> as its only input, which should contain all the user configured properties as instituted by ConsumerConfig

Note: is always set to false in DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory because the Kafka Spout needs to manually manage the committing of offset. Any custom implementation of KafkaConsumerFactory should adhere to the same thing

Map<String, Object> kafkaConsumerConfig = new HashMap<>();
//connect to Kafka broker at localhost:9092
kafkaConsumerConfig.put(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "localhost:9092");
//group ID of the consumer group
kafkaConsumerConfig.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "sample-kafka-spout");
//key and value serializer
kafkaConsumerConfig.put(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer");
kafkaConsumerConfig.put(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer");

KafkaConsumerFactory<String, String> kafkaConsumerFactory = new DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory<>(kafkaConsumerConfig);

##Subscribe to topic(s)

The Kafka Spout instance can be configured to subscribe either a collection of topics by specifying the list of topic name strings in Collection<String>, or it can take an implementation of TopicPatternProvider to provide a regular expression to match all the topics that it wants to subscribe to. There is a DefaultTopicPatternProvider to convert a regex string to a pattern.

//subscribe to specific named topic
new KafkaSpout<>(kafkaConsumerFactory, Collections.singletonList("test-topic"))

//subscribe to topics matching a pattern
new KafkaSpout<>(kafkaConsumerFactory, new DefaultTopicPatternProvider("test-.*"));

##Convert ConsumerRecord to Tuple

The Spout delegates the conversion of each Kafka ConsumerRecord into an output tuple to the ConsumerRecordTransformer, the DefaultConsumerRecordTransformer is provided to simply convert the incoming record into a tuple with 2 fields: “key”, being the key of the record, and “value”, being the value of the record, and also defines the output stream to be the “default” stream.

User can create their own implementation of the ConsumerRecordTransformer interface, and set it to the KafkaSpout via setConsumerRecordTransformer method.

##Behavior in Different Topology Reliability Mode


The whole topology will not turn the acking mechanism on. so, the KafkaSpout can afford to emit the tuple without any message id, and it also immediately commit the currently-read offset back to Kafka broker, and neither ack() nor fail() callback will be invoked. Therefore, “in-flight” tuple will just get lost in case the KafkaSpout instance is blown up or the topology is restarted. That's what ATMOST_ONCE offers.


The acking mechanism is turned on topology-wise, so the KafkaSpout uses the ack registry to keep tracking all the continuous acknowledgement ranges for each partition, while the failure registry keeps tracking the lowest failed acknowledgement for each partition. When it comes to the time that the Kafka Consumer needs to poll the Kafka cluster for more records (because it's emitted everything it got from the previous poll), then the KafkaSpout reconciles as following for each partition that it is consuming:

  1. if there's any failed tuple, seek back to the lowest corresponding offset
  2. discard all the acknowledgements that it's received but is greater than the lowest failed offset
  3. clear the lowest failed offset in failure registry
  4. commit the offset to be the upper boundary of the first range in the ack registry

then, it polls the Kafka cluster for next batch of records (i.e. from the lowest failed tuple if any)

So, it guarantees each tuple emitted by the KafkaSpout must be successfully processed across the whole topology at least once.


Not implemented yet