title: Heron standalone

Heron enables you to easily run a multi-node cluster in standalone mode. The difference between standalone mode and local mode for Heron is that standalone mode involves running multiple compute nodes---using Hashicorp's Nomad as a scheduler---rather than just one.


You can use Heron in standalone mode using the heron-admin CLI tool, which can be installed using the instructions here.


In order to run Heron in standalone mode, you'll need to run a ZooKeeper cluster.


Once you have the heron-admin CLI tool installed, you need to provide a list of hosts for both the Heron cluster itself and for ZooKeeper.

You can easily do this by running the following command:

$ heron-admin standalone set

That will open up an inventory.yaml file in whichever editor is specified in your EDITOR environment variable. The default is Vim. That YAML file looks like this:


You can modify the file to include all hosts for your standalone cluster and for ZooKeeper. Once you've added the lists of hosts for the Heron standalone cluster and ZooKeeper and saved the file, you can move on to starting the cluster.

To run Heron in standalone mode locally on your laptop, use the defaults that are already provided in the inventory.yaml file.

Starting and stopping the cluster

To start Heron in standalone mode once the host configuration has been applied:

$ heron-admin standalone cluster start

You should see output like this:

[2018-01-22 10:37:06 -0800] [INFO]: Roles:
[2018-01-22 10:37:06 -0800] [INFO]:  - Master Servers: ['']
[2018-01-22 10:37:06 -0800] [INFO]:  - Slave Servers: ['']
[2018-01-22 10:37:06 -0800] [INFO]:  - Zookeeper Servers: ['']
[2018-01-22 10:37:06 -0800] [INFO]: Updating config files...
[2018-01-22 10:37:06 -0800] [INFO]: Starting master on
[2018-01-22 10:37:06 -0800] [INFO]: Done starting masters
[2018-01-22 10:37:06 -0800] [INFO]: Starting slave on
[2018-01-22 10:37:06 -0800] [INFO]: Done starting slaves
[2018-01-22 10:37:06 -0800] [INFO]: Waiting for cluster to come up... 0
[2018-01-22 10:37:08 -0800] [INFO]: Starting Heron API Server on
[2018-01-22 10:37:08 -0800] [INFO]: Waiting for apiserver to come up... 0
[2018-01-22 10:37:09 -0800] [INFO]: Waiting for apiserver to come up... 1
[2018-01-22 10:37:16 -0800] [INFO]: Done starting Heron API Server
[2018-01-22 10:37:16 -0800] [INFO]: Starting Heron Tools on
[2018-01-22 10:37:16 -0800] [INFO]: Waiting for apiserver to come up... 0
[2018-01-22 10:37:17 -0800] [INFO]: Done starting Heron Tools
[2018-01-22 10:37:17 -0800] [INFO]: Heron standalone cluster complete!

If you see the Heron standalone cluster complete! message, that means that the cluster is ready for you to submit and manage topologies.

You can stop the cluster at any time using the stop command:

$ heron-admin standalone cluster stop

You will be prompted to confirm that you want to stop the cluster by typing yes or y (or no or n if you don't want to). If you enter yes or y and press Enter, all Heron-related jobs will be de-scheduled on Nomad.

Fetching info about your standalone cluster

At any time, you can retrieve information about your standalone cluster by running:

$ heron-admin standalone info

This will return a JSON string containing a list of hosts for Heron and ZooKeeper as well as URLs for the Heron API server, Heron UI, and Heron Tracker. Here is a cluster info JSON string if all defaults are retained:

  "numNodes": 1,
  "nodes": [
  "roles": {
    "masters": [
    "slaves": [
    "zookeepers": [
  "urls": {
    "serviceUrl": "",
    "heronUi": "",
    "heronTracker": ""

You can also get more specific bits of info using the get command:

# Heron Tracker URL
$ heron-admin standalone get heron-tracker-url

# Heron UI URL
$ heron-admin standalone get heron-ui-url

# Heron cluster service URL
$ heron-admin standalone get service-url

Setting the service URL

Once your standalone cluster is running, there's one final step before you can interact with the cluster: you need to specify the service URL for the Heron API server for the standalone cluster. You can fetch that URL in two different ways:

# Using the "get" command
$ heron-admin standalone get service-url

# Using the "info" command
$ heron-admin standalone info | jq .urls.serviceUrl | tr -d '"'

Once you have the URL, you can use the heron config command to set the service URL:

$ heron config standalone set service_url SERVICE_URL

Here are some more convenient ways to set the service URL:

# Using the "get" command
$ heron config standalone set service_url \
  $(heron-admin standalone get service-url)

# Using the "info" command
$ heron config standalone set service_url \
  $(heron-admin standalone info | jq .urls.serviceUrl | tr -d '"')

If you're running a standalone cluster locally on your laptop, the service URL will always be http://localhost:9000:

$ heron config standalone set service_url http://localhost:9000

Submitting a topology

Once your standalone cluster is up and running and you‘ve set the service URL for the heron CLI tool, you can submit and manage topologies by specifying the standalone cluster. Here’s an example topology submission command:

$ heron submit standalone \
  ~/.heron/examples/heron-streamlet-examples.jar \
  com.twitter.heron.examples.streamlet.WindowedWordCountTopology \

Once the topology has been submitted, it can be deactivated, killed, updated, and so on, just like topologies on any other scheduler.

Managing Nomad

Heron standalone uses Nomad as a scheduler. For the most part, you shouldn't need to interact with Nomad when managing your Heron standalone cluster. If you do need to manage Nomad directly, however, you can do so using the heron-nomad executable, which is installed at ~/.heron/bin/heron-nomad. That executable is essentially an alias for the nomad CLI tool. You can find documentation in the official Nomad docs.

You can also access the Nomad Web UI on port 4646 of any master node in the Heron cluster. You can see a list of master nodes by running heron-admin standalone info. If you're running a standalone cluster locally on your machine, you can access the Nomad UI at localhost:4646.