id: version-0.20.4-incubating-getting-started-docker title: The official Apache Heron Docker Image(s) sidebar_label: Heron & Docker original_id: getting-started-docker

The current version of Heron is {{heron:version}}

The official Apache Heron Docker image is located at the link below

Docker Quickstart

In one terminal execute to start Heron in a container

$ docker run -it  --rm \ 
   -p 8889:8889 \ 
   -p 8888:8888 \ 
   --name local-heron \ 
   apache/heron:0.20.4-incubating supervisord --nodaemon

In another terminal execute the following to deploy a job:

$ docker exec -it \ 
   local-heron \ 
   bash -c "heron submit sandbox  /heron/examples/heron-eco-examples.jar --eco-config-file /heron/examples/heron_wordcount.yaml"

View your job details by navigating to localhost:8889 in your browser. Congratulations, you've just deployed a Heron job in Docker!