blob: 04443fa650b36039332c3a69b0cee3b04c4bc43c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
* Code for drawing the enclosed rectangles that make up the physical plan for this topology.
* Exports a single global function drawPhysicalPlan.
(function (global) {
var topo, instances, containers;
function drawPhysicalPlan(planController, data, div_id, outerWidth, minHeight, cluster, environ, toponame) {
var margin = {
top: 50,
right: 0,
bottom: 20,
left: 0
var width = outerWidth - margin.left - margin.right;
instances = data.result.instances;
containers = data.result.stmgrs;
var sptblt = Object.keys(data.result.spouts)
var color = d3.scale.ordinal().domain(sptblt.sort()).range(colors);
for (var ck in containers) {
var container = containers[ck];
container.children = [];
for (var i in sptblt) {
var comp = sptblt[i];
for (var wk in instances) {
var worker = instances[wk];
if ( === comp) {
var auroraContainers = _.values(containers);
auroraContainers.forEach(function (container) {
// make ordering of instances the same in each container
container.children = _.sortBy(container.children, 'name');
// Sort the containers by their id so they are easier to find in the UI.
auroraContainers = _.sortBy(auroraContainers, function(container) {
return parseInt('-')[1]);
var maxInstances = d3.max(auroraContainers, function (d) {
return d.children.length;
* Config paramaters for aurora container/heron instance layout
// margin outside of each aurora container as a fraction of the container width
var containerMarginRatio = 0.08;
// padding inside each aurora container as a fraction of container width
var containerPaddingRatio = 0.05;
// margin around each heron instance as a faction of the instance width
var instanceMarginRatio = 0.15;
// smallest allowable width for a heron instance (below, this and we expand vertically)
var minInstanceWidth = 6;
// largest allowable width for heron instance (above this we shrink)
var maxInstanceWith = 30;
* Compute the aurora container and instance sizes
var innerCols = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(maxInstances));
// compute the min aurora columns allowed to keep instance size below limit
var minAuroraCols = Math.ceil(width / (innerCols * maxInstanceWith / (1 - 2 * instanceMarginRatio)));
// compute the max aurora columns allowed to keep instance size above min limit
var maxAuroraCols = Math.ceil(width / (innerCols * minInstanceWidth / (1 - 2 * instanceMarginRatio)));
// compute # cols to give 50% more columns than rows, and bound it by max/min aurora columns
var desiredAuroraCols = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(auroraContainers.length) * 1.5);
var cols = Math.min(maxAuroraCols, Math.max(minAuroraCols, desiredAuroraCols));
// from there, compute the required number of rows and exact instance/container sizes...
var rows = Math.ceil(auroraContainers.length / cols);
var innerRows = Math.ceil(maxInstances / innerCols);
var containerWidth = (width / cols) * (1 - 2 * containerMarginRatio);
var containerPadding = containerWidth * containerPaddingRatio;
var containerMargin = containerMarginRatio * containerWidth;
var instanceSize = (containerWidth - containerPadding * 2) / innerCols;
var containerHeight = instanceSize * innerRows + containerPadding * 2;
var height = (containerHeight + containerMargin * 2) * rows;
var totalVisHeight = height + + margin.bottom;
var totalVisWidth = Math.min(width, auroraContainers.length * (containerWidth + containerMargin * 2));
var svg ="").append("svg")
.attr("width", totalVisWidth)
.attr("height", totalVisHeight)
.style("z-index", "1")
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + + ')');
var textContainer = svg.append('text')
.attr('x', (totalVisWidth - margin.left - margin.right) / 2)
.attr('y', height + 25)
.style('text-anchor', 'middle');
var tip = d3.tip()
.attr('class', 'd3-tip main text-center')
.offset([8, 0])
.html(function(d) {
var rows = window.pollingMetrics;
var cols = window.pollingPeriods;
var result = + '<br>';
if (d.currentMetric && _.isNumber(d.currentMetricValue)) {
result += '<strong>' + d.currentMetric.metric.format(d.currentMetricValue) + '</strong>';
result += ' ';
result += d.currentMetric.metric.legendDescription;
result += ' over last ';
result +=;
if (d.tooltipDetails) {
result += d.tooltipDetails;
return result;
var auroraGs = svg.selectAll('.aurora-container')
.data(auroraContainers, function (d) { return; })
.attr('class', 'aurora-container')
.attr('transform', function (d, i) {
var x = (i % cols) * (containerWidth + 2 * containerMargin) + containerMargin;
var y = Math.floor(i / cols) * (containerHeight + 2 * containerMargin) + containerMargin;
return 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')';
.attr('width', containerWidth)
.attr('height', containerHeight)
.attr('class', 'aurora');
.data(function (d) { return d.children; }, function (d) { return; })
.attr('class', 'instance')
.style('fill', function (d) {
d.defaultColor = color(;
d.color = d.color || d.defaultColor;
return d.color;
.attr('width', instanceSize * (1 - 2 * instanceMarginRatio))
.attr('height', instanceSize * (1 - 2 * instanceMarginRatio))
.attr('x', function (d, i) { return containerPadding + (i % innerCols) * instanceSize + instanceSize * instanceMarginRatio; })
.attr('y', function (d, i) { return containerPadding +Math.floor(i / innerCols) * instanceSize + instanceSize * instanceMarginRatio; })
.on('mouseover', function (d) {
planController.physicalComponentHoverOver(d, tip);
.on('mouseout', function (d) {
planController.physicalComponentHoverOut(d, tip);
.on('click', function (d) {
// Stash the old values for transition.
function stash(d) {
d.x0 = d.x;
d.dx0 = d.dx;
global.drawPhysicalPlan = drawPhysicalPlan;