Updating Heron UI docs (#3320)

* Updating Heron UI docs

* Update Heron UI port

* Updating the link
diff --git a/website2/docs/guides-ui-guide.md b/website2/docs/guides-ui-guide.md
index a847226..52ee5fe 100644
--- a/website2/docs/guides-ui-guide.md
+++ b/website2/docs/guides-ui-guide.md
@@ -38,6 +38,18 @@
 #### Topologies Page
+Heron UI is a user interface that uses the Heron Tracker to display detailed, colorful visual representations of topologies, including the logical and physical plan for each topology. 
+Start the Heron tracker using `heron-tracker &` which uses default heron_tracker.yaml configuration file. It's a centralized gateway for cluster-wide information about topologies, including which topologies are running, being launched, being killed, etc. It exposes Json Restful endpoint and relies on Zookeeper nodes.
+Launc the Heron UI by the command:
+heron-ui &
+By default Heron UI will be started at `http://localhost:8889`
 Below is the home page of Heron UI.
 The following information or actions can be found on this page.
@@ -181,3 +193,13 @@
 the heap dump file. This link does not download the file.
 ![Memory Dump](assets/dump.png)
+#### Kill Heron UI server
+To kill Heron UI server run the following command:
+kill $(pgrep -f heron-ui)
+To stop all the Heron tools, kill the Heron Tracker as well using `kill $(pgrep -f heron-tracker)`.
diff --git a/website2/docs/user-manuals-heron-ui.md b/website2/docs/user-manuals-heron-ui.md
index 021735e..a6cb68d 100644
--- a/website2/docs/user-manuals-heron-ui.md
+++ b/website2/docs/user-manuals-heron-ui.md
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@
 * `--port` - Port to run the heron-ui on. Default port is `8889`.
 * `--tracker_url` - The base url for tracker. All the information about the
   topologies is fetched from tracker. Default url is `http://localhost:8888`.
+* `--address` - Address to listen; Default address is ``
+* `--base_url` - The base url path if operating behind proxy; Default is [`None`](https://github.com/apache/incubator-heron/blob/master/heron/tools/ui/src/python/main.py#L145)
 $ heron-ui