title: Setting Up Http Uploader

When a topology is submitted to Heron, the topology jars will be uploaded to a stable location. The submitter will provide this location to the scheduler and it will pass it to the each container. Heron can use a Http uploader to upload topology jar distribution to a stable Http location.

Http Uploader Configuration

You can make Heron aware of the Http uploader by modifying the uploader.yaml config file specific for the Heron cluster. You’ll need to specify the following for each cluster:

  • heron.class.uploader — Indicate the uploader class to be loaded. You should set this to org.apache.heron.uploader.http.HttpUploader

  • heron.uploader.http.uri — Provides the name of the URI where the topology jar should be uploaded.

Example Http Uploader Configuration

Below is an example configuration (in uploader.yaml) for a Http uploader:

# uploader class for transferring the topology jar/tar files to storage
heron.class.uploader: org.apache.heron.uploader.http.HttpUploader

heron.uploader.http.uri: http://localhost:9000/api/v1/file/upload

Also Heron's API server can be used as a file server for the HttpUploader to upload topology package/jars as follows:

--cluster standalone 
--base-template standalone 
-D heron.statemgr.connection.string=<zookeeper_host:zookeeper_port> 
-D heron.nomad.scheduler.uri=<scheduler_uri> 
-D heron.class.uploader=org.apache.heron.uploader.http.HttpUploader

Also Http Server that topology package/jars are uploaded needs to return an URI upon upload so that Heron will know the location to download in the future.