title: Governance

The Heron project was initially developed at Twitter and is now led by a group of self-managing core contributors with additional contributions by the community. Core contributors expect that candidate core contributors will successfully submit a number of patches or new functionality, demonstrate an understanding of project codebase, and express a willingness to be active group members before they become core contributors.

Core contributors are added by two supporting votes from core contributors on the mailing list and no core contributor veto within four business days.

Accepting Contributions

Please also see our contribution guidelines.


Heron is supported by core contributors, a group of people who cooperatively and actively support the overall project. In contrast, general contributors are not actively supporting the overall project, but instead are contributing individual changes.

  1. We accept well-written, well-tested functional contributions compatible with Bazel builds, in an appropriate directory with clearly documented support policies.

  2. We accept well-written, well-tested bug fixes to built-in functions.

  3. We accept well-written, well-tested feature contributions if a core contributor assumes support responsibilities, i.e., readily answers support questions and works on bugs. This includes feature contributions from external contributors. If there is no core contributor to support a feature, then we will deprecate and subsequently delete the feature - we will give three months' notice in such cases.

  4. We will not accept untested changes, except in very rare cases with appropriate cause.

  5. We require a pre-commit code review from a core contributor for all changes.

  6. We are implementing an open governance model where multiple parties have commit access, roll-back rights, and can provide explicit support for features or rules. Contributions are subject to approval (or in rare circumstances veto) by core committers.

  7. We will work with interested parties to improve existing extension points and to establish new extension points if they do not run counter to the internal requirements of any of the core contributors.

Contact the heron developers at: dev@heron.incubator.apache.org.

Core Committers

The current group is:

[Michael Barry (Twitter)] (https://github.com/msbarry)
[Maosong Fu (Twitter)] (https://github.com/maosongfu)
[Bill Graham (Twitter)] (https://github.com/billonahill)
[Andrew Jorgensen (Twitter)] (https://github.com/ajorgensen)
Vikas R. Kedigehalli (Twitter)
[Christopher Kellogg (Twitter)] (https://github.com/cckellogg)
[Runhang Li (Twitter)] (https://github.com/objmagic)
[Neng Lu (Twitter)] (https://github.com/nlu90)
[Sailesh Mittal (Twitter)] (https://github.com/saileshmittal)
Karthik Ramasamy (Twitter)
[Jingwei Wu (Twitter)] (https://github.com/jingwei)

Collaborators and Contributors

[Ashvin Agarwal (Microsoft)] (https://github.com/ashvina)
[Avrilla Floratou (Microsoft)] (https://github.com/avflor)
[Daniel Blanchard (Parsely)] (https://github.com/dan-blanchard)
[Darren Braynard (Elodina)] (https://github.com/dbraynard)
[Nikunj Bhagat (Google)] (https://github.com/nikunjbhagat)
[Brian Hatfield (Twitter)] (https://github.com/bmhatfield)
[Prabhu Inbarajan (Cisco)] (https://github.com/prabhuinbarajan)
[Darin Johnson] (https://github.com/DarinJ)
[Supun Kamburugamuve (Indiana University)] (https://github.com/supunkamburugamuve)
[Lewis Kaneshiro (Stanford University)] (https://github.com/lewiskan)
[Sanjeev Kulkarni (Peer Nova)] (https://github.com/srkukarni)
[Andrew Montalenti (Parsely)] (https://github.com/amontalenti)
[Sandeep Nayak (Adobe)] (https://github.com/osgigeek)
[Luc Perkins (Twitter)] (https://github.com/lucperkins)
[Sriram Rao (Microsoft)] (https://github.com/sriramsrao)
[Joe Stein (Elodina)] (https://github.com/joestein)
[Siddarth Taneja (Google)] (https://github.com/kernelsid)
[Zuyu Zhang (Pivotal)] (https://github.com/zuyu)