id: version-0.20.0-incubating-cluster-config-system-level title: System Level Configuration sidebar_label: System Level Configuration original_id: cluster-config-system-level

The parameters in the sections below are set at the system level and thus do not apply to any specific component.


heron.check.tmaster.location.interval.secThe interval, in seconds, after which to check if the topology master location has been fetched or not120
heron.metrics.export.intervalThe interval, in seconds, at which components export metrics to the topology's Metrics Manager


heron.logging.directoryThe relative path to the logging directorylog-files
heron.logging.maximum.size.mbThe maximum log file size (in megabytes)100
heron.logging.maximum.filesThe maximum number of log files5
heron.logging.prune.interval.secThe time interval, in seconds, at which Heron prunes log files300
heron.logging.flush.interval.secThe time interval, in seconds, at which Heron flushes log files10
heron.logging.err.thresholdThe threshold level to log error3