blob: 7a68dadb18013cf61154a95eb5fd0a2e3c4bcca5 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _wf-trans:
Worflow Coding Transition
The previous version of this document used a different set of workflow codes. This table describes how these old codes have transitioned over to the new codes.
.. list-table:: Workflow Coding Transition from Version 1 to Version 2
:widths: 30 30
:header-rows: 1
* - Version 1
- Version 2
* - 0-Other
- 0-Other
* - 1-Plan
- 1-Define Problem
* - 2-Search
- 2-Get Data
* - 3-Examine
- 3-Explore Data
* - 3-Examine
- 6-Transform Data
* - 4-Marshall
- 4-Create View of Data
* - 5-Reason
- 5-Enrich