blob: da44f871a825f791f991eb58a3e6f456e9c70a5b [file] [log] [blame]
* Draper activityLogger
* The purpose of this module is allow XDATA Developers to easily add a logging
* mechanism into their own modules for the purposes of recording the behaviors
* of the analysists using their tools.
* @author Draper Laboratory
* @date 2014
function activityLogger() {
var draperLog = {version: "0.2.0"}; // semver
var muteUserActivityLogging = false;
var muteSystemActivityLogging = false;
var logToConsole = false;
var workflowCodingVersion = '1.0'
* Workflow Codes
draperLog.WF_OTHER = 0;
draperLog.WF_PLAN = 1;
draperLog.WF_SEARCH = 2;
draperLog.WF_EXAMINE = 3;
draperLog.WF_MARSHAL = 4;
draperLog.WF_REASON = 5;
draperLog.WF_COLLABORATE = 6;
draperLog.WF_REPORT = 7;
* Registers this component with Draper's logging server. The server creates
* a unique session_id, that is then used in subsequent logging messages. This
* is a blocking ajax call to ensure logged messages are tagged correctly.
* @todo investigate the use of promises, instead of the blocking call.
* @method registerActivityLogger
* @param {String} url the url of Draper's Logging Server
* @param {String} componentName the name of this component
* @param {String} componentVersion the version of this component
draperLog.registerActivityLogger = function(url, componentName, componentVersion) {
draperLog.url = url;
draperLog.componentName = componentName;
draperLog.componentVersion = componentVersion;
url: draperLog.url + '/register',
async: false,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(a) {
if (logToConsole) {
console.log('DRAPER LOG: Session successfully registered', a);
draperLog.sessionID = a.session_id;
draperLog.clientHostname = a.client_ip;
error: function(){
console.error('DRAPER LOG: Could not register session with Drapers server!')
return draperLog;
* Create USER activity message.
* @method logUserActivity
* @param {String} actionDescription a description of the activity in natural language.
* @param {String} userActivity a more generalized one word description of the current activity.
* @param {Integer} userWorkflowState an integer representing one of the enumerated states above.
* @param {JSON} softwareMetadata any arbitrary JSON that may support this activity
draperLog.logUserActivity = function (actionDescription, userActivity, userWorkflowState, softwareMetadata) {
if(!muteUserActivityLogging) {
msg = {
parms: {
desc: actionDescription,
activity: userActivity,
wf_state: userWorkflowState,
wf_version: workflowCodingVersion
meta: softwareMetadata
* Create SYSTEM activity message.
* @method logSystemActivity
* @param {String} actionDescription a description of the activity in natural language.
* @param {JSON} softwareMetadata any arbitrary JSON that may support this activity
draperLog.logSystemActivity = function (actionDescription, softwareMetadata) {
if(!muteSystemActivityLogging) {
msg = {
type: 'SYSACTION',
parms: {
desc: actionDescription,
meta: softwareMetadata
* Set Session Cookie on Client. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.
function setCookie(cname,cvalue,exdays) {
var d = new Date();
var expires = "expires="+d.toGMTString();
document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + expires;
* Send activity message to Draper's logging server. This function uses Jquery's ajax
* function to send the created message to draper's server.
* @method sendMessage
* @param {JSON} msg the JSON message.
function sendMessage(msg) {
msg.timestamp = new Date().toJSON();
msg.client = draperLog.clientHostname;
msg.component = {name: draperLog.componentName, version: draperLog.componentVersion};
msg.sessionID = draperLog.sessionID;
msg.impLanguage = 'JavaScript';
msg.apiVersion = draperLog.version;
if (logToConsole) {
console.log('DRAPER LOG: Sending message to Draper server', msg);
url: draperLog.url + '/send_log',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: msg,
success: function(a) {
if (logToConsole) {
console.log('DRAPER LOG: message received!');
error: function(){
console.error('DRAPER LOG: could not send activity log to Draper server!')
draperLog.echo = function(d) {
if (!arguments.length) return logToConsole;
logToConsole = d;
return draperLog;
draperLog.mute = function(d) {
d.forEach(function(d) {
if(d == 'USER') muteUserActivityLogging = true;
if(d == 'SYS') muteSystemActivityLogging = true;
return draperLog;
return draperLog;