blob: fbae7b87c8c2418a309bb78d6f11e32f1997d14f [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2014 The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* Draper activityLogger
* The purpose of this module is allow XDATA Developers to easily add a logging
* mechanism into their own modules for the purposes of recording the behaviors
* of the analysists using their tools.
* @author Draper Laboratory
* @date 2014
* @version 2.1.1
/*jshint unused:false*/
function activityLogger(webWorkerURL) {
'use strict';
var draperLog = {version: "2.1.1"}; // semver
draperLog.worker = new Worker(webWorkerURL);
var muteUserActivityLogging = false,
muteSystemActivityLogging = false,
logToConsole = false,
testing = false,
workflowCodingVersion = '2.0';
// Workflow Codes
draperLog.WF_OTHER = 0;
draperLog.WF_DEFINE = 1;
draperLog.WF_GETDATA = 2;
draperLog.WF_EXPLORE = 3;
draperLog.WF_CREATE = 4;
draperLog.WF_ENRICH = 5;
draperLog.WF_TRANSFORM = 6;
* Registers this component with Draper's logging server. The server creates
* a unique session_id, that is then used in subsequent logging messages. This
* is a blocking ajax call to ensure logged messages are tagged correctly.
* @todo investigate the use of promises, instead of the blocking call.
* @method registerActivityLogger
* @param {String} url the url of Draper's Logging Server
* @param {String} componentName the name of this component
* @param {String} componentVersion the version of this component
draperLog.registerActivityLogger = function(url, componentName, componentVersion) {
draperLog.url = url;
draperLog.componentName = componentName;
draperLog.componentVersion = componentVersion;
// get session id from url
function getParameterByName(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
results = regex.exec(;
return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
draperLog.sessionID = getParameterByName('USID');
draperLog.clientHostname = getParameterByName('client');
if (!draperLog.sessionID) {
draperLog.sessionID = draperLog.componentName.slice(0,3) + new Date().getTime();
if (!draperLog.clientHostname) {
draperLog.clientHostname = 'UNK';
// set the logging URL on the Web Worker
cmd: 'setLoggingUrl',
msg: url
if (logToConsole) {
if (testing) {
console.log('DRAPER LOG: (TESTING) Registered Activity Logger ' + draperLog.sessionID);
} else {
console.log('DRAPER LOG: Registered Activity Logger ' + draperLog.sessionID);
cmd: 'sendBuffer',
msg: ''
// Log the activity that we are closing the window of the web browser
// before we exit. In order to do this, we register a onBeforeUnload
// callback which logs the closing and sends the buffer.
window.onbeforeunload = function(){
'window closing',
cmd: 'sendBuffer',
msg: ''});
// Log the activity when the user gains focus on the web browser
// window. In order to do this, we register an onFocus callback function
// which will log the gained focus of the element.
window.onfocus = function() {
'window gained focus',
// Log the activity when the user leaves focus on the web browser
// window. In order to do this, we register an onBlur callback function
// which will log the lost focus
window.onblur = function() {
'window lost focus',
return draperLog;
* Create USER activity message.
* @method logUserActivity
* @param {String} actionDescription a description of the activity in natural language.
* @param {String} userActivity a more generalized one word description of the current activity.
* @param {Integer} userWorkflowState an integer representing one of the enumerated states above.
* @param {JSON} softwareMetadata any arbitrary JSON that may support this activity
draperLog.logUserActivity = function (actionDescription, userActivity, userWorkflowState, softwareMetadata) {
if(!muteUserActivityLogging) {
var msg = {
parms: {
desc: actionDescription,
activity: userActivity,
wf_state: userWorkflowState,
wf_version: workflowCodingVersion
meta: softwareMetadata
if (logToConsole) {
if (testing) {
console.log('DRAPER LOG: (TESTING) Logging UserActivity', msg.parms);
} else {
console.log('DRAPER LOG: Logging UserActivity', msg.parms);
* Create SYSTEM activity message.
* @method logSystemActivity
* @param {String} actionDescription a description of the activity in natural language.
* @param {JSON} softwareMetadata any arbitrary JSON that may support this activity
draperLog.logSystemActivity = function (actionDescription, softwareMetadata) {
if(!muteSystemActivityLogging) {
var msg = {
type: 'SYSACTION',
parms: {
desc: actionDescription,
meta: softwareMetadata
if (logToConsole) {
if (testing) {
console.log('DRAPER LOG: (TESTING) Logging SystemActivity', msg.parms);
} else {
console.log('DRAPER LOG: Logging SystemActivity', msg.parms);
* Send activity message to Draper's logging server. This function uses Jquery's ajax
* function to send the created message to draper's server.
* @method sendMessage
* @param {JSON} msg the JSON message.
function sendMessage(msg) {
msg.timestamp = new Date().toJSON();
msg.client = draperLog.clientHostname;
msg.component = {name: draperLog.componentName, version: draperLog.componentVersion};
msg.sessionID = draperLog.sessionID;
msg.impLanguage = 'JavaScript';
msg.apiVersion = draperLog.version;
// if (!testing) {
cmd: 'sendMsg',
msg: msg
// }
* When set to true, logs messages to browser console.
* @method echo
* @param {Boolean} set to true to log to console
draperLog.echo = function(d) {
if (!arguments.length) { return logToConsole; }
logToConsole = d;
cmd: 'setEcho',
msg: d
return draperLog;
* Accepts an array of Strings telling logger to mute those type of messages.
* Possible values are 'SYS' and 'USER'. These messages will not be sent to
* server.
* @method mute
* @param {Array} array of strings of messages to mute.
draperLog.mute = function(d) {
d.forEach(function(d) {
if(d === 'USER') { muteUserActivityLogging = true; }
if(d === 'SYS') { muteSystemActivityLogging = true; }
return draperLog;
draperLog.unmute = function(d) {
d.forEach(function(d) {
if(d === 'USER') { muteUserActivityLogging = false; }
if(d === 'SYS') { muteSystemActivityLogging = false; }
return draperLog;
* When set to true, no connection will be made against logging server.
* @method testing
* @param {Boolean} set to true to disable all connection to logging server
draperLog.testing = function(d) {
if (!arguments.length) { return testing; }
testing = d;
cmd: 'setTesting',
msg: d
return draperLog;
* DOM Listener for specific events.
function classListener() {
$(document).ready(function() {
$(d).on("click", function(a){
draperLog.logUserActivity('User clicked element', $(this).data('activity'), $(this).data('wf'));
$(window).scroll(function() {
clearTimeout($.data(this, 'scrollTimer'));
$.data(this, 'scrollTimer', setTimeout(function() {
draperLog.logUserActivity('User scrolled window', 'scroll', 3);
}, 500));
* @brief [brief description]
* @details [long description]
* @param elem [description]
* @param msg [description]
draperLog.tag = function(elem, msg) {
$.each(, function(i, d) {
if (d === 'scroll') {
console.log('found scroll');
$(elem).scroll(function() {
clearTimeout($.data(this, 'scrollTimer'));
$.data(this, 'scrollTimer', setTimeout(function() {
draperLog.logUserActivity('User scrolled window', 'scroll', 3);
}, 500));
$(elem).on(d, function() {
draperLog.logUserActivity(msg.desc, msg.activity, msg.wf_state);
// Return the activity logger object in which is created. With this,
// object functions and variable are created to keep this a separate instance
// of the logger.
return draperLog;