User-ALE Dashboard
Fully running User-ALE
Getting Started
Install Dependencies
- Install Vagrant
- (This may require downloading the newest version from their website rather than trusting apt-get)
- Install VirtualBox
If behind a proxy, modify Vagrantfile
- Modifiy the vagantfile to point to your proxy.
- Don't forget to add “http://” as leaving that off may break apt-get in the vagrant vm Example: config.proxy.http=“” If your host system is also the proxy (e.g. CNTLM): setting the proxy as or localhost may confuse the Vagrant VM and prevent net access
Start Vagrant
This will provision the base box which is an Ubuntu 14.04 machine.
vagrant up
SSH into Vagrant
vagrant ssh
Install necessary packages
bash /vagrant/scripts/
See script comments if errors arise
Set indices in ElasticSearch
bash /vagrant/scripts/
(Re)Start Twisted Server
sudo twistd -y /vagrant/