blob: d14cc479db1f55f4dac3b3d4624b6078886dbca2 [file] [log] [blame]
pytest local configuration plug-in
import gc
import warnings
import pytest
@pytest.yield_fixture(scope='function', autouse=True)
def error_on_ResourceWarning():
"""This fixture captures ResourceWarning's and reports an "error"
describing the file handles left open.
This is shown regardless of how successful the test was, if a test fails
and leaves files open then those files will be reported. Ideally, even
those files should be closed properly after a test failure or exception.
Since only Python 3 and PyPy3 have ResourceWarning's, this context will
have no effect when running tests on Python 2 or PyPy.
Because of autouse=True, this function will be automatically enabled for
all test_* functions in this module.
This code is primarily based on the examples found here:
except NameError:
# Python 2, PyPy
# Python 3, PyPy3
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught:
warnings.resetwarnings() # clear all filters
warnings.simplefilter('ignore') # ignore all
warnings.simplefilter('always', ResourceWarning) # add filter
yield # run tests in this context
gc.collect() # run garbage collection (for pypy3)
if not caught:
return'The following file descriptors were not closed properly:\n' +
'\n'.join((str(warning.message) for warning in caught)),