blob: 063779cd88a4ce7d95ad6bcb2b6aa956212fac6b [file] [log] [blame]
import six
from .. import errors
class TaskTemplate(dict):
def __init__(self, container_spec, resources=None, restart_policy=None,
placement=None, log_driver=None):
self['ContainerSpec'] = container_spec
if resources:
self['Resources'] = resources
if restart_policy:
self['RestartPolicy'] = restart_policy
if placement:
self['Placement'] = placement
if log_driver:
self['LogDriver'] = log_driver
def container_spec(self):
return self.get('ContainerSpec')
def resources(self):
return self.get('Resources')
def restart_policy(self):
return self.get('RestartPolicy')
def placement(self):
return self.get('Placement')
class ContainerSpec(dict):
def __init__(self, image, command=None, args=None, env=None, workdir=None,
user=None, labels=None, mounts=None, stop_grace_period=None):
from ..utils import split_command # FIXME: circular import
self['Image'] = image
if isinstance(command, six.string_types):
command = split_command(command)
self['Command'] = command
self['Args'] = args
if env is not None:
self['Env'] = env
if workdir is not None:
self['Dir'] = workdir
if user is not None:
self['User'] = user
if labels is not None:
self['Labels'] = labels
if mounts is not None:
for mount in mounts:
if isinstance(mount, six.string_types):
self['Mounts'] = mounts
if stop_grace_period is not None:
self['StopGracePeriod'] = stop_grace_period
class Mount(dict):
def __init__(self, target, source, type='volume', read_only=False,
propagation=None, no_copy=False, labels=None,
self['Target'] = target
self['Source'] = source
if type not in ('bind', 'volume'):
raise errors.DockerError(
'Only acceptable mount types are `bind` and `volume`.'
self['Type'] = type
if type == 'bind':
if propagation is not None:
self['BindOptions'] = {
'Propagation': propagation
if any([labels, driver_config, no_copy]):
raise errors.DockerError(
'Mount type is binding but volume options have been '
volume_opts = {}
if no_copy:
volume_opts['NoCopy'] = True
if labels:
volume_opts['Labels'] = labels
if driver_config:
volume_opts['driver_config'] = driver_config
if volume_opts:
self['VolumeOptions'] = volume_opts
if propagation:
raise errors.DockerError(
'Mount type is volume but `propagation` argument has been '
def parse_mount_string(cls, string):
parts = string.split(':')
if len(parts) > 3:
raise errors.DockerError(
'Invalid mount format "{0}"'.format(string)
if len(parts) == 1:
return cls(target=parts[0])
target = parts[1]
source = parts[0]
read_only = not (len(parts) == 3 or parts[2] == 'ro')
return cls(target, source, read_only=read_only)
class Resources(dict):
def __init__(self, cpu_limit=None, mem_limit=None, cpu_reservation=None,
limits = {}
reservation = {}
if cpu_limit is not None:
limits['NanoCPUs'] = cpu_limit
if mem_limit is not None:
limits['MemoryBytes'] = mem_limit
if cpu_reservation is not None:
reservation['NanoCPUs'] = cpu_reservation
if mem_reservation is not None:
reservation['MemoryBytes'] = mem_reservation
if limits:
self['Limits'] = limits
if reservation:
self['Reservations'] = reservation
class UpdateConfig(dict):
def __init__(self, parallelism=0, delay=None, failure_action='continue'):
self['Parallelism'] = parallelism
if delay is not None:
self['Delay'] = delay
if failure_action not in ('pause', 'continue'):
raise errors.DockerError(
'failure_action must be either `pause` or `continue`.'
self['FailureAction'] = failure_action
class RestartConditionTypesEnum(object):
_values = (
class RestartPolicy(dict):
condition_types = RestartConditionTypesEnum
def __init__(self, condition=RestartConditionTypesEnum.NONE, delay=0,
max_attempts=0, window=0):
if condition not in self.condition_types._values:
raise TypeError(
'Invalid RestartPolicy condition {0}'.format(condition)
self['Condition'] = condition
self['Delay'] = delay
self['MaxAttempts'] = max_attempts
self['Window'] = window
class DriverConfig(dict):
def __init__(self, name, options=None):
self['Name'] = name
if options:
self['Options'] = options