blob: 7452e9849bb9ad178d635544368be41bde4fd05d [file] [log] [blame]
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import six
from docker.utils.ports import split_port
from jsonschema import Draft4Validator
from jsonschema import FormatChecker
from jsonschema import RefResolver
from jsonschema import ValidationError
from ..const import COMPOSEFILE_V1 as V1
from .errors import ConfigurationError
from .errors import VERSION_EXPLANATION
from .sort_services import get_service_name_from_network_mode
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
'cpu_share': 'cpu_shares',
'add_host': 'extra_hosts',
'hosts': 'extra_hosts',
'extra_host': 'extra_hosts',
'device': 'devices',
'link': 'links',
'memory_swap': 'memswap_limit',
'port': 'ports',
'privilege': 'privileged',
'priviliged': 'privileged',
'privilige': 'privileged',
'volume': 'volumes',
'workdir': 'working_dir',
VALID_NAME_CHARS = '[a-zA-Z0-9\._\-]'
VALID_EXPOSE_FORMAT = r'^\d+(\-\d+)?(\/[a-zA-Z]+)?$'
@FormatChecker.cls_checks(format="ports", raises=ValidationError)
def format_ports(instance):
except ValueError as e:
raise ValidationError(six.text_type(e))
return True
@FormatChecker.cls_checks(format="expose", raises=ValidationError)
def format_expose(instance):
if isinstance(instance, six.string_types):
if not re.match(VALID_EXPOSE_FORMAT, instance):
raise ValidationError(
"should be of the format 'PORT[/PROTOCOL]'")
return True
def match_named_volumes(service_dict, project_volumes):
service_volumes = service_dict.get('volumes', [])
for volume_spec in service_volumes:
if volume_spec.is_named_volume and volume_spec.external not in project_volumes:
raise ConfigurationError(
'Named volume "{0}" is used in service "{1}" but no'
' declaration was found in the volumes section.'.format(
volume_spec.repr(), service_dict.get('name')
def python_type_to_yaml_type(type_):
type_name = type(type_).__name__
return {
'dict': 'mapping',
'list': 'array',
'int': 'number',
'float': 'number',
'bool': 'boolean',
'unicode': 'string',
'str': 'string',
'bytes': 'string',
}.get(type_name, type_name)
def validate_config_section(filename, config, section):
"""Validate the structure of a configuration section. This must be done
before interpolation so it's separate from schema validation.
if not isinstance(config, dict):
raise ConfigurationError(
"In file '{filename}', {section} must be a mapping, not "
for key, value in config.items():
if not isinstance(key, six.string_types):
raise ConfigurationError(
"In file '{filename}', the {section} name {name} must be a "
"quoted string, i.e. '{name}'.".format(
if not isinstance(value, (dict, type(None))):
raise ConfigurationError(
"In file '{filename}', {section} '{name}' must be a mapping not "
def validate_top_level_object(config_file):
if not isinstance(config_file.config, dict):
raise ConfigurationError(
"Top level object in '{}' needs to be an object not '{}'.".format(
def validate_ulimits(service_config):
ulimit_config = service_config.config.get('ulimits', {})
for limit_name, soft_hard_values in six.iteritems(ulimit_config):
if isinstance(soft_hard_values, dict):
if not soft_hard_values['soft'] <= soft_hard_values['hard']:
raise ConfigurationError(
"Service '{}' has invalid ulimit '{ulimit}'. "
"'soft' value can not be greater than 'hard' value ".format(
def validate_extends_file_path(service_name, extends_options, filename):
The service to be extended must either be defined in the config key 'file',
or within 'filename'.
error_prefix = "Invalid 'extends' configuration for %s:" % service_name
if 'file' not in extends_options and filename is None:
raise ConfigurationError(
"%s you need to specify a 'file', e.g. 'file: something.yml'" % error_prefix
def validate_network_mode(service_config, service_names):
network_mode = service_config.config.get('network_mode')
if not network_mode:
if 'networks' in service_config.config:
raise ConfigurationError("'network_mode' and 'networks' cannot be combined")
dependency = get_service_name_from_network_mode(network_mode)
if not dependency:
if dependency not in service_names:
raise ConfigurationError(
"Service '{}' uses the network stack of service '{dep}' which "
"is undefined.".format(s=service_config, dep=dependency))
def validate_links(service_config, service_names):
for link in service_config.config.get('links', []):
if link.split(':')[0] not in service_names:
raise ConfigurationError(
"Service '{}' has a link to service '{link}' which is "
"undefined.".format(s=service_config, link=link))
def validate_depends_on(service_config, service_names):
for dependency in service_config.config.get('depends_on', []):
if dependency not in service_names:
raise ConfigurationError(
"Service '{}' depends on service '{dep}' which is "
"undefined.".format(s=service_config, dep=dependency))
def get_unsupported_config_msg(path, error_key):
msg = "Unsupported config option for {}: '{}'".format(path_string(path), error_key)
if error_key in DOCKER_CONFIG_HINTS:
msg += " (did you mean '{}'?)".format(DOCKER_CONFIG_HINTS[error_key])
return msg
def anglicize_json_type(json_type):
if json_type.startswith(('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u')):
return 'an ' + json_type
return 'a ' + json_type
def is_service_dict_schema(schema_id):
return schema_id in ('config_schema_v1.json', '#/properties/services')
def handle_error_for_schema_with_id(error, path):
schema_id = error.schema['id']
if is_service_dict_schema(schema_id) and error.validator == 'additionalProperties':
return "Invalid service name '{}' - only {} characters are allowed".format(
# The service_name is the key to the json object
if error.validator == 'additionalProperties':
if schema_id == '#/definitions/service':
invalid_config_key = parse_key_from_error_msg(error)
return get_unsupported_config_msg(path, invalid_config_key)
if not error.path:
return '{}\n\n{}'.format(error.message, VERSION_EXPLANATION)
def handle_generic_error(error, path):
msg_format = None
error_msg = error.message
if error.validator == 'oneOf':
msg_format = "{path} {msg}"
config_key, error_msg = _parse_oneof_validator(error)
if config_key:
elif error.validator == 'type':
msg_format = "{path} contains an invalid type, it should be {msg}"
error_msg = _parse_valid_types_from_validator(error.validator_value)
elif error.validator == 'required':
error_msg = ", ".join(error.validator_value)
msg_format = "{path} is invalid, {msg} is required."
elif error.validator == 'dependencies':
config_key = list(error.validator_value.keys())[0]
required_keys = ",".join(error.validator_value[config_key])
msg_format = "{path} is invalid: {msg}"
error_msg = "when defining '{}' you must set '{}' as well".format(
elif error.cause:
error_msg = six.text_type(error.cause)
msg_format = "{path} is invalid: {msg}"
elif error.path:
msg_format = "{path} value {msg}"
if msg_format:
return msg_format.format(path=path_string(path), msg=error_msg)
return error.message
def parse_key_from_error_msg(error):
return error.message.split("'")[1]
def path_string(path):
return ".".join(c for c in path if isinstance(c, six.string_types))
def _parse_valid_types_from_validator(validator):
"""A validator value can be either an array of valid types or a string of
a valid type. Parse the valid types and prefix with the correct article.
if not isinstance(validator, list):
return anglicize_json_type(validator)
if len(validator) == 1:
return anglicize_json_type(validator[0])
return "{}, or {}".format(
", ".join([anglicize_json_type(validator[0])] + validator[1:-1]),
def _parse_oneof_validator(error):
"""oneOf has multiple schemas, so we need to reason about which schema, sub
schema or constraint the validation is failing on.
Inspecting the context value of a ValidationError gives us information about
which sub schema failed and which kind of error it is.
types = []
for context in error.context:
if context.validator == 'oneOf':
_, error_msg = _parse_oneof_validator(context)
return path_string(context.path), error_msg
if context.validator == 'required':
return (None, context.message)
if context.validator == 'additionalProperties':
invalid_config_key = parse_key_from_error_msg(context)
return (None, "contains unsupported option: '{}'".format(invalid_config_key))
if context.path:
return (
"contains {}, which is an invalid type, it should be {}".format(
if context.validator == 'uniqueItems':
return (
"contains non unique items, please remove duplicates from {}".format(
if context.validator == 'type':
valid_types = _parse_valid_types_from_validator(types)
return (None, "contains an invalid type, it should be {}".format(valid_types))
def process_service_constraint_errors(error, service_name, version):
if version == V1:
if 'image' in error.instance and 'build' in error.instance:
return (
"Service {} has both an image and build path specified. "
"A service can either be built to image or use an existing "
"image, not both.".format(service_name))
if 'image' in error.instance and 'dockerfile' in error.instance:
return (
"Service {} has both an image and alternate Dockerfile. "
"A service can either be built to image or use an existing "
"image, not both.".format(service_name))
if 'image' not in error.instance and 'build' not in error.instance:
return (
"Service {} has neither an image nor a build context specified. "
"At least one must be provided.".format(service_name))
def process_config_schema_errors(error):
path = list(error.path)
if 'id' in error.schema:
error_msg = handle_error_for_schema_with_id(error, path)
if error_msg:
return error_msg
return handle_generic_error(error, path)
def validate_against_config_schema(config_file):
schema = load_jsonschema(config_file.version)
format_checker = FormatChecker(["ports", "expose"])
validator = Draft4Validator(
resolver=RefResolver(get_resolver_path(), schema),
def validate_service_constraints(config, service_name, version):
def handler(errors):
return process_service_constraint_errors(errors, service_name, version)
schema = load_jsonschema(version)
validator = Draft4Validator(schema['definitions']['constraints']['service'])
handle_errors(validator.iter_errors(config), handler, None)
def get_schema_path():
return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
def load_jsonschema(version):
filename = os.path.join(
with open(filename, "r") as fh:
return json.load(fh)
def get_resolver_path():
schema_path = get_schema_path()
if sys.platform == "win32":
scheme = "///"
# TODO: why is this necessary?
schema_path = schema_path.replace('\\', '/')
scheme = "//"
return "file:{}{}/".format(scheme, schema_path)
def handle_errors(errors, format_error_func, filename):
"""jsonschema returns an error tree full of information to explain what has
gone wrong. Process each error and pull out relevant information and re-write
helpful error messages that are relevant.
errors = list(sorted(errors, key=str))
if not errors:
error_msg = '\n'.join(format_error_func(error) for error in errors)
raise ConfigurationError(
"The Compose file{file_msg} is invalid because:\n{error_msg}".format(
file_msg=" '{}'".format(filename) if filename else "",