blob: e6a3dea053ed9ea21501930a9565f37f36a5f802 [file] [log] [blame]
Types for objects parsed from the configuration.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
from collections import namedtuple
import six
from compose.config.config import V1
from compose.config.errors import ConfigurationError
from compose.const import IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM
class VolumeFromSpec(namedtuple('_VolumeFromSpec', 'source mode type')):
# TODO: drop service_names arg when v1 is removed
def parse(cls, volume_from_config, service_names, version):
func = cls.parse_v1 if version == V1 else cls.parse_v2
return func(service_names, volume_from_config)
def parse_v1(cls, service_names, volume_from_config):
parts = volume_from_config.split(':')
if len(parts) > 2:
raise ConfigurationError(
"volume_from {} has incorrect format, should be "
if len(parts) == 1:
source = parts[0]
mode = 'rw'
source, mode = parts
type = 'service' if source in service_names else 'container'
return cls(source, mode, type)
def parse_v2(cls, service_names, volume_from_config):
parts = volume_from_config.split(':')
if len(parts) > 3:
raise ConfigurationError(
"volume_from {} has incorrect format, should be one of "
"'<service name>[:<mode>]' or "
"'container:<container name>[:<mode>]'".format(volume_from_config))
if len(parts) == 1:
source = parts[0]
return cls(source, 'rw', 'service')
if len(parts) == 2:
if parts[0] == 'container':
type, source = parts
return cls(source, 'rw', type)
source, mode = parts
return cls(source, mode, 'service')
if len(parts) == 3:
type, source, mode = parts
if type not in ('service', 'container'):
raise ConfigurationError(
"Unknown volumes_from type '{}' in '{}'".format(
return cls(source, mode, type)
def repr(self):
return '{v.type}:{v.source}:{v.mode}'.format(v=self)
def parse_restart_spec(restart_config):
if not restart_config:
return None
parts = restart_config.split(':')
if len(parts) > 2:
raise ConfigurationError(
"Restart %s has incorrect format, should be "
"mode[:max_retry]" % restart_config)
if len(parts) == 2:
name, max_retry_count = parts
name, = parts
max_retry_count = 0
return {'Name': name, 'MaximumRetryCount': int(max_retry_count)}
def serialize_restart_spec(restart_spec):
parts = [restart_spec['Name']]
if restart_spec['MaximumRetryCount']:
return ':'.join(parts)
def parse_extra_hosts(extra_hosts_config):
if not extra_hosts_config:
return {}
if isinstance(extra_hosts_config, dict):
return dict(extra_hosts_config)
if isinstance(extra_hosts_config, list):
extra_hosts_dict = {}
for extra_hosts_line in extra_hosts_config:
# TODO: validate string contains ':' ?
host, ip = extra_hosts_line.split(':', 1)
extra_hosts_dict[host.strip()] = ip.strip()
return extra_hosts_dict
def normalize_paths_for_engine(external_path, internal_path):
"""Windows paths, c:\my\path\shiny, need to be changed to be compatible with
the Engine. Volume paths are expected to be linux style /c/my/path/shiny/
return external_path, internal_path
if external_path:
drive, tail = os.path.splitdrive(external_path)
if drive:
external_path = '/' + drive.lower().rstrip(':') + tail
external_path = external_path.replace('\\', '/')
return external_path, internal_path.replace('\\', '/')
class VolumeSpec(namedtuple('_VolumeSpec', 'external internal mode')):
def parse(cls, volume_config):
"""Parse a volume_config path and split it into external:internal[:mode]
parts to be returned as a valid VolumeSpec.
# relative paths in windows expand to include the drive, eg C:\
# so we join the first 2 parts back together to count as one
drive, tail = os.path.splitdrive(volume_config)
parts = tail.split(":")
if drive:
parts[0] = drive + parts[0]
parts = volume_config.split(':')
if len(parts) > 3:
raise ConfigurationError(
"Volume %s has incorrect format, should be "
"external:internal[:mode]" % volume_config)
if len(parts) == 1:
external, internal = normalize_paths_for_engine(
external, internal = normalize_paths_for_engine(
mode = 'rw'
if len(parts) == 3:
mode = parts[2]
return cls(external, internal, mode)
def repr(self):
external = self.external + ':' if self.external else ''
return '{ext}{v.internal}:{v.mode}'.format(ext=external, v=self)
def is_named_volume(self):
return self.external and not self.external.startswith(('.', '/', '~'))
class ServiceLink(namedtuple('_ServiceLink', 'target alias')):
def parse(cls, link_spec):
target, _, alias = link_spec.partition(':')
if not alias:
alias = target
return cls(target, alias)
def repr(self):
if == self.alias:
return '{}:{s.alias}'.format(s=self)
def merge_field(self):
return self.alias