blob: 809a4b7455e9ab1bb42e0dee777d649964d91064 [file] [log] [blame]
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from inspect import getdoc
from docopt import docopt
from docopt import DocoptExit
def docopt_full_help(docstring, *args, **kwargs):
return docopt(docstring, *args, **kwargs)
except DocoptExit:
raise SystemExit(docstring)
class DocoptDispatcher(object):
def __init__(self, command_class, options):
self.command_class = command_class
self.options = options
def parse(self, argv):
command_help = getdoc(self.command_class)
options = docopt_full_help(command_help, argv, **self.options)
command = options['COMMAND']
if command is None:
raise SystemExit(command_help)
handler = get_handler(self.command_class, command)
docstring = getdoc(handler)
if docstring is None:
raise NoSuchCommand(command, self)
command_options = docopt_full_help(docstring, options['ARGS'], options_first=True)
return options, handler, command_options
def get_handler(command_class, command):
command = command.replace('-', '_')
# we certainly want to have "exec" command, since that's what docker client has
# but in python exec is a keyword
if command == "exec":
command = "exec_command"
if not hasattr(command_class, command):
raise NoSuchCommand(command, command_class)
return getattr(command_class, command)
class NoSuchCommand(Exception):
def __init__(self, command, supercommand):
super(NoSuchCommand, self).__init__("No such command: %s" % command)
self.command = command
self.supercommand = supercommand