tree: ebd4d2fc5708d4a665a331d9c740fa4f57a994c4 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .husky/
  2. src/
  3. .babelrc.js
  4. .dockerignore
  5. .eslintignore
  6. .eslintrc.js
  7. .file-headerrc
  8. .gitignore
  9. .nvmrc
  10. .prettierignore
  11. .prettierrc.js
  12. Dockerfile
  13. nginx.conf
  15. package-lock.json
  16. package.json
  18. server.js
  19. tsconfig.json
  20. webpack.config.js
  21. webpack.production.config.js

DevLake - Configuration UI

The Config-UI Application is a React.js SPA (Single-Page-Application) that manages the setup and configuration of a DevLake Instance.

Technology / Stack Overview

  • React.js
  • BlueprintJS
  • Webpack


In order to develop on this project you will need a properly working React Development Environment.

Environment Setup

Install Package Dependencies before attempting to start the UI. The application will not start unless all packages are installed without errors.

Install NPM Dependencies

[config-ui@main] $> npm -i

Start Development Server

❗ Please ensure the DevLake API is online before starting the UI, otherwise the application will remain in offline mode and errors will be displayed.

[config-ui@main] $> npm start

Server will listen on http://localhost:4000

Production Build

To Build static and minified production assets to the dist/ directory.

[config-ui@main] $> npm run build

TEST / RUN Production Build

Build production assets and listen to emulate a production environment. This is to verify minified bundled/assets are operating correctly.

[config-ui@main] $> npm run start-production

Server will listen on http://localhost:9000

For actual production use, the Docker Image for Config-UI should be used as outlined in the main project

Plugin Registration

Step 1. Create Registry JSON Configuration

Depending on the nature of the plugin, see a similar integration in registry/plugins/ folder and copy as base template. For example, to model after GitHub copy registry/plugins/github.json to a uniquely named JSON registry file.

# Example "Merico"
$> cp registry/plugins/github.json registry/plugins/merico.json"

Configure Plugin Options The newly created registry file needs to customized with Name and Type (Default="integration"), and all related Connection property fields (Labels, Tooltips, etc)

Since not all Plugins created may have UI capabilities, the type property is used to distinguish variance in behavior.

  • integration
  • plugin
  • pipeline
  • webhook

The Enabled property (enabled) must be set to true to allow the plugin the be registered.

# Sample Config for "Merico" Plugin
  "id": "merico",
  "name": "Merico",
  "type": "integration",
  "enabled": true,
  "multiConnection": true,
  "isBeta": false,
  "isProvider": true,
  "icon": "src/images/integrations/merico.svg",

Step 2. Register the JSON Configuration

Next, the new plugin needs to be registered with the Integrations Manager Hook (@hooks/useIntegrations.jsx).

  1. Import the new Plugin JSON File
  2. Add Plugin to the bottom of pluginRegistry Array
$> vi hooks/useIntegrations.jsx`
import DbtPlugin from '@/registry/plugins/dbt.json'
import StarrocksPlugin from '@/registry/plugins/starrocks.json'
import DoraPlugin from '@/registry/plugins/dora.json'
# Register Merico Plugin
+ import MericoPlugin from '@/registry/plugins/merico.json'

function useIntegrations(
  pluginRegistry = [
    # Load Merico Plugin
    + MericoPlugin

Step 3. Define & Register Transformation Settings Component (Optional)

If this new Plugin requires Transformation Settings, the transformation settings component must be created and imported. You may use an existing transformation settings file as a reference. In the future there will be support to create transformation settings dynamically from configuration.

  1. Create and Design React Transformation JSX Component in settings/[my-plugin.jsx]
# Example Transformation Settings Template for "Merico"
export default function MericoSettings(props) {
  const {
    entities = [],
    transformation = {},
    isSaving = false,
    isSavingConnection = false,
    onSettingsChange = () => {}
  } = props

  return (

  1. Import & Register Provider Transformation Settings in components/blueprints/ProviderTransformationSettings.jsx. Update the TransformationComponents Map to Load the Plugin
# components/blueprints/ProviderTransformationSettings.jsx
import AzureSettings from '@/pages/configure/settings/azure'
import BitbucketSettings from '@/pages/configure/settings/bitbucket'
import GiteeSettings from '@/pages/configure/settings/gitee'
# Import/Register Merico Plugin
+ import MericoSettings from '@/pages/configure/settings/merico'

const ProviderTransformationSettings = (props) => {
  // Provider Transformation Components (LOCAL)
  const TransformationComponents = useMemo(
    () => ({
      [Providers.AZURE]: AzureSettings,
      [Providers.BITBUCKET]: BitbucketSettings,
      [Providers.GITEE]: GiteeSettings
      # Load Merico Plugin
      + [Providers.MERICO]: MericoSettings
