fix(github): github connection properties are saved with error
1 file changed
tree: be9790224bf9c079c614acc33728f452789deb82
  1. .github/
  2. api/
  3. config/
  4. config-ui/
  5. db/
  6. devops/
  7. docs/
  8. e2e/
  9. errors/
  10. grafana/
  11. logger/
  12. migration/
  13. models/
  14. plugins/
  15. releases/
  16. runner/
  17. scripts/
  18. services/
  19. test/
  20. utils/
  21. version/
  22. worker/
  23. .editorconfig
  24. .env.example
  25. .gitignore
  29. docker-compose-temporal.yml
  30. docker-compose.yml
  31. Dockerfile
  32. go.mod
  33. go.sum
  34. k8s-deploy.yaml
  36. main.go
  37. Makefile
  40. wechat_group_qr_code.png


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What is DevLake?

DevLake brings your DevOps data into one practical, customized, extensible view. Ingest, analyze, and visualize data from an ever-growing list of developer tools, with our open source product.

DevLake is designed for developer teams looking to make better sense of their development process and to bring a more data-driven approach to their own practices. You can ask DevLake many questions regarding your development process. Just connect and query.

See demo based on this repo

Get started with just a few clicks

What can be accomplished with DevLake?

  1. Collect DevOps data across the entire SDLC process and connect data silos
  2. A standard data model and out-of-the-box metrics for software engineering
  3. Flexible framework for data collection and ETL, support customized analysis

Supported data sources

Data SourceVersions
GitlabCloud, Community Edition 13.x+
JiraCloud, Server 8.x+, Data Center 8.x+

User setup

  • If you only plan to run the product locally, this is the ONLY section you should need.
  • If you want to run in a cloud environment, click to set up. This is the detailed guide.
  • Commands written like this are to be run in your terminal.


Launch DevLake

  1. Download docker-compose.yml and env.example from latest release page into a folder.
  2. Rename env.example to .env. For Mac/Linux users, please run mv env.example .env in the terminal.
  3. Run docker-compose up -d to launch DevLake.

Configure data connections and collect data

  1. Visit config-ui at http://localhost:4000 in your browser to configure data connections. For users who'd like to collect GitHub data, we recommend reading our GitHub data collection guide which covers the following steps in detail.

    • Navigate to desired plugins on the Integrations page
    • Please reference the following for more details on how to configure each one:
    • Submit the form to update the values by clicking on the Save Connection button on each form page
    • devlake takes a while to fully boot up. if config-ui complaining about api being unreachable, please wait a few seconds and try refreshing the page.
  2. Create pipelines to trigger data collection in config-ui

  3. Click View Dashboards button in the top left when done, or visit localhost:3002 (username: admin, password: admin).

    We use Grafana as a visualization tool to build charts for the data stored in our database. Using SQL queries, we can add panels to build, save, and edit customized dashboards.

    All the details on provisioning and customizing a dashboard can be found in the Grafana Doc.

  4. To synchronize data periodically, users can set up recurring pipelines with DevLake's pipeline blueprint for details.

Upgrade to a newer version

Support for database schema migration was introduced to DevLake in v0.10.0. From v0.10.0 onwards, users can upgrade their instance smoothly to a newer version. However, versions prior to v0.10.0 do not support upgrading to a newer version with a different database schema. We recommend users deploying a new instance if needed.

Deploy to Kubernates

We provide a sample k8s-deploy.yaml for users interested in deploying DevLake on a k8s cluster.

k8s-deploy.yaml will create a namespace devlake on your k8s cluster, and use nodePort 30004 for config-ui, nodePort 30002 for grafana dashboards. If you would like to use certain version of DevLake, please update the image tag of grafana, devlake and config-ui services to specify versions like v0.10.1.

Here's the step-by-step guide:

  1. Download k8s-deploy.yaml to local machine
  2. Some key points:
    • config-ui deployment:
      • GRAFANA_ENDPOINT: FQDN of grafana service which can be reached from user's browser
      • DEVLAKE_ENDPOINT: FQDN of devlake service which can be reached within k8s cluster, normally you don't need to change it unless namespace was changed
      • ADMIN_USER/ADMIN_PASS: Not required, but highly recommended
    • devlake-config config map:
      • MYSQL_USER: shared between mysql and grafana service
      • MYSQL_PASSWORD: shared between mysql and grafana service
      • MYSQL_DATABASE: shared between mysql and grafana service
      • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: set root password for mysql service
    • devlake deployment:
      • DB_URL: update this value if MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD or MYSQL_DATABASE were changed
  3. The devlake deployment store its configuration in /app/.env. In our sample yaml, we use hostPath volume, so please make sure directory /var/lib/devlake exists on your k8s workers, or employ other techniques to persist /app/.env file. Please do NOT mount the entire /app directory, because plugins are located in /app/bin folder.
  4. Finally, execute the following command, DevLake should be up and running:
    kubectl apply -f k8s-deploy.yaml

Developer Setup


  • Docker v19.03.10+
  • Golang v1.17+
  • Make
    • Mac (Already installed)
    • Windows: Download
    • Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev

How to setup dev environment

  1. Navigate to where you would like to install this project and clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd lake
  2. Install dependencies for plugins:

  3. Install Go packages

    	go get
  4. Copy the sample config file to new local file:

    cp .env.example .env
  5. Update the following variables in the file .env:

    • DB_URL: Replace mysql:3306 with
  6. Start the MySQL and Grafana containers:

    Make sure the Docker daemon is running before this step.

    docker-compose up -d mysql grafana
  7. Run lake and config UI in dev mode in two seperate terminals:

    # run lake
    make dev
    # run config UI
    make configure-dev

    Q: I got an error saying: cannot open share object file: No such file or directory

    A: Make sure your program find LD_LIBRARY_PATH can be assigned like this if your is located at /usr/local/lib:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
  8. Visit config UI at localhost:4000 to configure data connections.

    • Navigate to desired plugins pages on the Integrations page
    • You will need to enter the required information for the plugins you intend to use.
    • Please reference the following for more details on how to configure each one: -> Jira -> GitLab, -> Jenkins -> GitHub
    • Submit the form to update the values by clicking on the Save Connection button on each form page
  9. Visit localhost:4000/pipelines/create to RUN a Pipeline and trigger data collection.

    Pipelines Runs can be initiated by the new “Create Run” Interface. Simply enable the Data Connection Providers you wish to run collection for, and specify the data you want to collect, for instance, Project ID for Gitlab and Repository Name for GitHub.

    Once a valid pipeline configuration has been created, press Create Run to start/run the pipeline. After the pipeline starts, you will be automatically redirected to the Pipeline Activity screen to monitor collection activity.

    Pipelines is accessible from the main menu of the config-ui for easy access.

    • Manage All Pipelines: http://localhost:4000/pipelines
    • Create Pipeline RUN: http://localhost:4000/pipelines/create
    • Track Pipeline Activity: http://localhost:4000/pipelines/activity/[RUN_ID]

    For advanced use cases and complex pipelines, please use the Raw JSON API to manually initiate a run using cURL or graphical API tool such as Postman. POST the following request to the DevLake API Endpoint.

                "plugin": "github",
                "options": {
                    "repo": "lake",
                    "owner": "merico-dev"

    Please refer to Pipeline Advanced Mode for in-depth explanation.

  10. Click View Dashboards button in the top left when done, or visit localhost:3002 (username: admin, password: admin).

We use Grafana as a visualization tool to build charts for the data stored in our database. Using SQL queries, we can add panels to build, save, and edit customized dashboards.

All the details on provisioning and customizing a dashboard can be found in the Grafana Doc.

  1. (Optional) To run the tests:

    make test
  2. For DB migrations, please refer to Migration Doc.

Temporal Mode

Normally, DevLake would execute pipelines on local machine (we call it local mode), it is sufficient most of the time.However, when you have too many pipelines that need to be executed in parallel, it can be problematic, either limited by the horsepower or throughput of a single machine.

temporal mode was added to support distributed pipeline execution, you can fire up arbitrary workers on multiple machines to carry out those pipelines in parallel without hitting the single machine limitation.

But, be careful, many API services like JIRA/GITHUB have request rate limit mechanism, collect data in parallel against same API service with same identity would most likely hit the wall.

How it works

  1. DevLake Server and Workers connect to the same temporal server by setting up TEMPORAL_URL
  2. DevLake Server sends pipeline to temporal server, and one of the Workers would pick it up and execute

IMPORTANT: This feature is in early stage of development, use with cautious

Temporal Demo


How to setup

  1. Clone and fire up temporalio services
  2. Clone this repo, and fire up DevLake with command docker-compose -f docker-compose-temporal.yml up -d

Project Roadmap

  • Roadmap 2022: Detailed project roadmaps for 2022.
  • DevLake already supported following data sources:
    • Jira(Cloud)
    • Git
    • GitHub
    • GitLab(Cloud)
    • Jenkins
  • Supported engineering metrics: provide rich perspectives to observe and analyze SDLC.

How to Contribute

This section lists all the documents to help you contribute to the repo.


  • Slack: Message us on Slack
  • FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions


This project is licensed under Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.