Deploy devlake with helm


  • Helm >= 3.6.0
  • Kubernetes >= 1.19.0

Quick Install

clone the code, and enter the deployment/helm folder.

helm install devlake .

And visit your devlake from the node port (32001 by default).


Some useful parameter for the chart, you could also check them in values.yaml

replicaCountReplica Count for devlake, currently not used1
mysql.useExternalIf use external mysql server, currently not usedfalse
mysql.externalServerExternal mysql server address127.0.0.1
mysql.externalPortExternal mysql server port3306
mysql.usernameusername for mysqlmerico
mysql.passwordpassword for mysqlmerico
mysql.databasedatabase for mysqllake
mysql.rootPasswordroot password for mysqladmin class for mysql's volume"" size for mysql's data5Gi
mysql.image.repositoryrepository for mysql's imagemysql
mysql.image.tagimage tag for mysql's image8.0.26
mysql.image.pullPolicypullPolicy for mysql's imageIfNotPresent
grafana.image.repositoryrepository for grafana's imagemericodev/grafana
grafana.image.tagimage tag for grafana's imagelatest
grafana.image.pullPolicypullPolicy for grafana's imageAlways class for lake's volume"" size for lake's data100Mi
lake.image.repositoryrepository for lake's imagemericodev/lake
lake.image.tagimage tag for lake's imagelatest
lake.image.pullPolicypullPolicy for lake's imageAlways
ui.image.repositoryrepository for ui's imagemericodev/config-ui
ui.image.tagimage tag for ui's imagelatest
ui.image.pullPolicypullPolicy for ui's imageAlways
service.typeService type for exposed serviceNodePort
service.grafanaPortService port for grafana32000
service.uiPortService port for config ui32001
service.grafanaEndpointThe external grafana endpoint, used when ingress not configuredhttp://