tree: 88d3e114aee7dd988a76566fc0d627db6dc5ffc8 [path history] [tgz]
  1. api/
  2. e2e/
  3. impl/
  4. models/
  5. tasks/
  6. gitlab.go

Gitlab Pond



Metric NameDescription
Pull Request CountNumber of Pull/Merge Requests
Pull Request Pass RateRatio of Pull/Merge Review requests to merged
Pull Request Reviewer CountNumber of Pull/Merge Reviewers
Pull Request Review TimeTime from Pull/Merge created time until merged
Commit Author CountNumber of Contributors
Commit CountNumber of Commits
Added LinesAccumulated Number of New Lines
Deleted LinesAccumulated Number of Removed Lines
Pull Request Review RoundsNumber of cycles of commits followed by comments/final merge


Provider (Datasource) Connection

The connection aspect of the configuration screen requires the following key fields to connect to the GitLab API. As GitLab is a single-source data provider at the moment, the connection name is read-only as there is only one instance to manage. As we continue our development roadmap we may enable multi-source connections for GitLab in the future.

  • Connection Name [READONLY]
    • ⚠️ Defaults to “Gitlab” and may not be changed.
  • Endpoint URL (REST URL, starts with https:// or http://)
    • This should be a valid REST API Endpoint eg.
    • ⚠️ URL should end with/
  • Personal Access Token (HTTP Basic Auth)
    • Login to your Gitlab Account and create a Personal Access Token to authenticate with the API using HTTP Basic Authentication.. The token must be 20 characters long. Save the personal access token somewhere safe. After you leave the page, you no longer have access to the token.

      1. In the top-right corner, select your avatar.
      2. Select Edit profile.
      3. On the left sidebar, select Access Tokens.
      4. Enter a name and optional expiry date for the token.
      5. Select the desired scopes.
      6. Select Create personal access token.

For help on Creating a personal access token, please see official GitLab Docs on Personal Tokens

For an overview of the GitLab REST API, please see official GitLab Docs on REST

Click Save Connection to update connection settings.

Provider (Datasource) Settings

There are no additional settings for the GitLab Datasource Provider at this time. NOTE: GitLab Project ID Mappings feature has been deprecated.

Gathering Data with Gitlab

To collect data, you can make a POST request to /pipelines

curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8080/pipelines' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '
    "name": "gitlab 20211126",
    "tasks": [[{
        "plugin": "gitlab",
        "options": {
            "projectId": <Your gitlab project id>

Finding Project Id

To get the project id for a specific Gitlab repository:

  • Visit the repository page on gitlab

  • Find the project id just below the title

    Screen Shot 2021-08-06 at 4 32 53 PM

Use this project id in your requests, to collect data from this project

⚠️ (WIP) Create a Gitlab API Token

  1. When logged into Gitlab visit

  2. Give the token any name, no expiration date and all scopes (excluding write access)

    Screen Shot 2021-08-06 at 4 44 01 PM

  3. Click the Create Personal Access Token button

  4. Save the API token into .env file via cofnig-ui or edit the file directly.