tree: 5d0c862a89979eec4bed2fab8bf150cfbfb70e88 [path history] [tgz]
  1. cypress/
  2. src/
  3. test/
  4. .dockerignore
  5. .eslintrc
  6. .gitignore
  7. cypress.json
  8. Dockerfile
  9. nginx.conf
  11. package-lock.json
  12. package.json
  14. routes.js
  15. server.js
  16. webpack.config.js
  17. webpack.production.config.js

DevLake - Configuration UI

The Config-UI Application is a React.js SPA (Single-Page-Application) that manages the setup and configuration of a DevLake Instance.

Technology / Stack Overview

  • React.js
  • BlueprintJS
  • Cypress
  • Webpack


In order to develop on this project you will need a properly working React Development Environment.

Environment Setup

Install Package Dependencies before attempting to start the UI. The application will not start unless all packages are installed without errors.

Install NPM Dependencies

[config-ui@main] $> npm -i

Start Development Server

❗ Please ensure the DevLake API is online before starting the UI, otherwise the application will remain in offline mode and errors will be displayed.

[config-ui@main] $> npm start

Server will listen on http://localhost:4000

Production Build

To Build static and minified production assets to the dist/ directory.

[config-ui@main] $> npm run build

TEST / RUN Production Build

Build production assets and listen to emulate a production environment. This is to verify minified bundled/assets are operating correctly.

[config-ui@main] $> npm run start-production

Server will listen on http://localhost:9000

For actual production use, the Docker Image for Config-UI should be used as outlined in the main project


Cypress E2E Tests

The Cypress Test Runner has been installed and configured for @config-ui. Integration Tests are located at @config-ui/cypress/integration.

Before writing tests please read official Cypress Documentation at

Integration Tests Coverage

Test Specs are organized in the following main groups. New tests cases should be added to the appropriate spec group file(s), or a new group should be created if necessary for new criteria, or to create alternate flows.

Integration GroupTestsStatus

Test cases will be updated and created as necessary when new features are added and important bug-fixes are applied.

Open/RUN Cypress

Once the Cypress Dashboard opens, choose a test file from the available list of integration tests.

[config-ui@main] $> npm run cypress