DevLake - Configuration UI

The Config-UI Application is a React.js SPA (Single-Page-Application) that manages the setup and configuration of a DevLake Instance.

Technology / Stack Overview

  • React
  • Antd
  • Vite
  • TypeScript
  • Yarn3


In order to develop on this project you will need a properly working React Development Environment.

Environment Setup

Install Package Dependencies before attempting to start the UI. The application will not start unless all packages are installed without errors.

Install Dependencies

$ yarn

Start Development Server

❗ Please ensure the DevLake API is online before starting the UI, otherwise the application will remain in offline mode and errors will be displayed.

$ yarn start

Server will listen on http://localhost:4000

Production Build

To Build static and minified production assets to the dist/ directory.

$ yarn build

TEST / RUN Production Build

Build production assets and listen to emulate a production environment. This is to verify minified bundled/assets are operating correctly.

$ yarn preview

For actual production use, the Docker Image for Config-UI should be used as outlined in the main project