title: “SonarQube” description: > SonarQube Plugin


This plugin collects SonarQube data through its REST APIs. SonarQube is a tool for static code analysis and code quality management. It can help you discover potential problems and defects in your code, and provide suggestions and solutions. (Please note that this version of SonarQube cannot collect issues with more than 10k+)


Check out the SonarQube entities collected by this plugin.

Data Refresh Policy

Check out the data refresh policy of this plugin.


Most of SonarQube metrics are collected and can be found in DevLake's SonarQube dashboard.


API Sample Request

You can trigger data collection by making a POST request to /pipelines.

curl 'http://localhost:8080/pipelines' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '
  "name": "project1-BLUEPRINT",
  "blueprintId": 1,
  "plan": [
        "plugin": "sonarqube",
        "options": {
          "connectionId": 1,
           "projectKey": "testDevLake"
