sidebar_position: 03 title: “Features” linkTitle: “Features” tags: [] categories: [] weight: 30000 description: > Features of the latest version of DevLake.

  1. Collect data from mainstream DevOps tools, including Jira (Cloud), Jira Server v8+, Git, GitLab, GitHub, Jenkins etc., supported by plugins.
  2. Receive data through Push API.
  3. Standardize DevOps data based on domain layer schema. Support 20+ built-in engineering metrics to observe productivity, quality and delivery capability.
  4. Connect “commit” entity with “issue” entity, and generate composite metrics such as Bugs Count per 1k Lines of Code.
  5. Identify new commits based on RefDiff plugin, and analyze productivity and quality of each version.
  6. Flexible dashboards to support data visualization and queries, based on Grafana.