title: “Dal” sidebar_position: 5 description: > The Dal (Data Access Layer) is designed to decouple the hard dependency on gorm in v0.12


The Dal (Data Access Layer) is designed to decouple the hard dependency on gorm in v0.12. The advantages of introducing this isolation are:

  • Unit Test: Mocking an Interface is easier and more reliable than Patching a Pointer.
  • Clean Code: DBS operations are more consistence than using gorm directly.
  • Replaceable: It would be easier to replace gorm in the future if needed.

The Dal Interface

type Dal interface {
	AutoMigrate(entity interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
	Exec(query string, params ...interface{}) error
	RawCursor(query string, params ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
	Cursor(clauses ...Clause) (*sql.Rows, error)
	Fetch(cursor *sql.Rows, dst interface{}) error
	All(dst interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
	First(dst interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
	Count(clauses ...Clause) (int64, error)
	Pluck(column string, dest interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
	Create(entity interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
	Update(entity interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
	CreateOrUpdate(entity interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
	CreateIfNotExist(entity interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
	Delete(entity interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
	AllTables() ([]string, error)

How to use


// Get a database cursor
user := &models.User{}
cursor, err := db.Cursor(
  dal.Where("department = ?", "R&D"),
  dal.Orderby("id DESC"),
if err != nil {
  return err
for cursor.Next() {
  err = dal.Fetch(cursor, user)  // fetch one record at a time

// Get a database cursor by raw sql query
cursor, err := db.Raw("SELECT * FROM users")

// USE WITH CAUTIOUS: loading a big table at once is slow and dangerous
// Load all records from database at once. 
users := make([]models.Users, 0)
err := db.All(&users, dal.Where("department = ?", "R&D"))

// Load a column as Scalar or Slice
var email string
err := db.Pluck("email", &username, dal.Where("id = ?", 1))
var emails []string
err := db.Pluck("email", &emails)

// Execute query
err := db.Exec("UPDATE users SET department = ? WHERE department = ?", "Research & Development", "R&D")


err := db.Create(&models.User{
  Email: "hello@example.com", // assuming this the Primarykey
  Name: "hello",
  Department: "R&D",


err := db.Create(&models.User{
  Email: "hello@example.com", // assuming this the Primarykey
  Name: "hello",
  Department: "R&D",

Insert or Update

err := db.CreateOrUpdate(&models.User{
  Email: "hello@example.com",  // assuming this is the Primarykey
  Name: "hello",
  Department: "R&D",

Insert if record(by PrimaryKey) didn't exist

err := db.CreateIfNotExist(&models.User{
  Email: "hello@example.com",  // assuming this is the Primarykey
  Name: "hello",
  Department: "R&D",


err := db.CreateIfNotExist(&models.User{
  Email: "hello@example.com",  // assuming this is the Primary key

DDL and others

// Returns all table names
allTables, err := db.AllTables()

// Automigrate: create/add missing table/columns
// Note: it won't delete any existing columns, nor does it update the column definition
err := db.AutoMigrate(&models.User{})

How to do Unit Test

First, run the command make mock to generate the Mocking Stubs, the generated source files should appear in mocks folder.

├── ApiResourceHandler.go
├── AsyncResponseHandler.go
├── BasicRes.go
├── CloseablePluginTask.go
├── ConfigGetter.go
├── Dal.go
├── DataConvertHandler.go
├── ExecContext.go
├── InjectConfigGetter.go
├── InjectLogger.go
├── Iterator.go
├── Logger.go
├── Migratable.go
├── PluginApi.go
├── PluginBlueprintV100.go
├── PluginInit.go
├── PluginMeta.go
├── PluginTask.go
├── RateLimitedApiClient.go
├── SubTaskContext.go
├── SubTaskEntryPoint.go
├── SubTask.go
└── TaskContext.go

With these Mocking stubs, you may start writing your TestCases using the mocks.Dal.

import "github.com/apache/incubator-devlake/mocks"

func TestCreateUser(t *testing.T) {
    mockDal := new(mocks.Dal)
    mockDal.On("Create", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once()
    userService := &services.UserService{
        Dal: mockDal,
        "email": "helle@example.com",
        "name": "hello",
        "department": "R&D",