title: “DORA - Failed Deployment Recovery Time” description: > DORA - Failed Deployment Recovery Time sidebar_position: 28

What is this metric?

The time of changes that were made to a code that then resulted in incidents, rollbacks, or any type of production failure.

Why is it important?

This metric is crucial in evaluating the resilience and efficiency of a team‘s deployment process. A shorter recovery time indicates a team’s ability to swiftly detect issues, troubleshoot them, and restore the system to a functional state, minimizing downtime and impact on end-users.

Which dashboard(s) does it exist in

DORA dashboard. See live demo.

How is it calculated?

The time from deployment to the incident corresponding to deployment is resolved. For example, if a deployment finishes at 10:00 AM and causes an incident at 10:20. Then, the incident gets resolved at 11:00 AM. The failed deployment recovery time is one hour.

Below are the 2023 DORA benchmarks for different development teams from Google‘s report. However, it’s difficult to tell which group a team falls into when the team's failed deployment recovery time is between one week and six months. Therefore, DevLake provides its own benchmarks to address this problem:

GroupsBenchmarksDevLake Benchmarks
Elite performersLess than one hourLess than one hour
High performersLess than one dayLess than one day
Medium performersBetween one day and one weekBetween one day and one week
Low performersMore than six monthsMore than one week

Data Sources Required

  • Deployments from Jenkins, GitLab CI, GitHub Action, BitBucket Pipelines, Webhook, etc.
  • Incidents from Jira issues, GitHub issues, TAPD issues, PagerDuty Incidents, Webhook, etc.

Transformation Rules Required

Define deployment and incident in data transformations while configuring the blueprint of a project to let DevLake know what CI/issue records can be regarded as deployments or incidents.

SQL Queries

If you want to measure the monthly trend of the Failed Deployment Recovery Time as the picture shown below, run the following SQL in Grafana.

--  ***** 2023 report ***** --
--  Metric 4: Failed deployment recovery time
with _deployments as (
        cdc.cicd_deployment_id as deployment_id,
        max(cdc.finished_date) as deployment_finished_date
        cicd_deployment_commits cdc
        JOIN project_mapping pm on cdc.cicd_scope_id = pm.row_id and pm.`table` = 'cicd_scopes'
        pm.project_name in ($project)
        and cdc.result = 'SUCCESS'
        and cdc.environment = 'PRODUCTION'
    GROUP BY 1
    HAVING $__timeFilter(max(cdc.finished_date))

_incidents_for_deployments as (
        i.id as incident_id,
        i.created_date as incident_create_date,
        i.resolution_date as incident_resolution_date,
        fd.deployment_id as caused_by_deployment,
        date_format(fd.deployment_finished_date,'%y/%m') as deployment_finished_month
        issues i
        left join project_issue_metrics pim on i.id = pim.id
        join _deployments fd on pim.deployment_id = fd.deployment_id
        i.type = 'INCIDENT'
    and $__timeFilter(i.resolution_date)

_recovery_time_ranks as (
    SELECT *, percent_rank() over(PARTITION BY deployment_finished_month order by TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, deployment_finished_date, incident_resolution_date)) as ranks
    FROM _incidents_for_deployments

_median_recovery_time as (
    SELECT deployment_finished_month, max(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, deployment_finished_date, incident_resolution_date)) as median_recovery_time
    FROM _recovery_time_ranks
    WHERE ranks <= 0.5
    GROUP BY deployment_finished_month

_metric_recovery_time_2023_report as (
        when m.median_recovery_time is null then 0 
        else m.median_recovery_time/60 
        end as median_recovery_time_in_hour
    calendar_months cm
    LEFT JOIN _median_recovery_time m on cm.month = m.deployment_finished_month
    WHERE $__timeFilter(cm.month_timestamp)

    WHEN '${dora_report}' = '2023' THEN mrt.median_recovery_time_in_hour
  END AS '${title_value} In Hours'
  calendar_months cm
  LEFT JOIN _metric_recovery_time_2023_report mrt ON cm.month = mrt.month

If you want to measure in which category your team falls into as in the picture shown below, run the following SQL in Grafana.

--  ***** 2023 report ***** --
--  Metric 4: Failed deployment recovery time
with _deployments as (
        cdc.cicd_deployment_id as deployment_id,
        max(cdc.finished_date) as deployment_finished_date
        cicd_deployment_commits cdc
        JOIN project_mapping pm on cdc.cicd_scope_id = pm.row_id and pm.`table` = 'cicd_scopes'
        pm.project_name in ($project)
        and cdc.result = 'SUCCESS'
        and cdc.environment = 'PRODUCTION'
    GROUP BY 1
    HAVING $__timeFilter(max(cdc.finished_date))

_incidents_for_deployments as (
        i.id as incident_id,
        i.created_date as incident_create_date,
        i.resolution_date as incident_resolution_date,
        fd.deployment_id as caused_by_deployment,
        date_format(fd.deployment_finished_date,'%y/%m') as deployment_finished_month
        issues i
        left join project_issue_metrics pim on i.id = pim.id
        join _deployments fd on pim.deployment_id = fd.deployment_id
        i.type = 'INCIDENT'
    and $__timeFilter(i.resolution_date)

_recovery_time_ranks as (
    SELECT *, percent_rank() over(order by TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, deployment_finished_date, incident_resolution_date)) as ranks
    FROM _incidents_for_deployments

_median_recovery_time as (
    SELECT max(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, deployment_finished_date, incident_resolution_date)) as median_recovery_time
    FROM _recovery_time_ranks
    WHERE ranks <= 0.5

_metric_recovery_time_2023_report as(
		WHEN ('$dora_report') = '2023' THEN
			WHEN median_recovery_time < 60 THEN  CONCAT(round(median_recovery_time/60,1), "(elite)")
			WHEN median_recovery_time < 24 * 60 THEN CONCAT(round(median_recovery_time/60,1), "(high)")
			WHEN median_recovery_time < 7 * 24 * 60 THEN CONCAT(round(median_recovery_time/60,1), "(medium)")
			WHEN median_recovery_time >= 7 * 24 * 60 THEN CONCAT(round(median_recovery_time/60,1), "(low)")
			ELSE "N/A. Please check if you have collected incidents."
	END AS median_recovery_time

  median_recovery_time AS median_time_in_hour
  ('$dora_report') = '2023'

How to improve?

  • Add unit tests for all new feature
  • “Shift left”, start QA early and introduce more automated tests
  • Enforce code review if it is not strictly executed
  • Improve your user support workflow to cope with incidents more efficiently