title: “DORA - Deployment Frequency(WIP)” description: > DORA - Deployment Frequency sidebar_position: 18

What is this metric?

How often an organization deploys code to production or release it to end users.

Why is it important?

Deployment frequency reflects the efficiency of a team‘s deployment. A team that deploys more frequently can deliver the product faster and users’ feature requirements can be met faster.

Which dashboard(s) does it exist in


How is it calculated?

Deployment frequency is calculated based on the number of deployment days, not the number of deployments, e.g.,daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.

Elite performersMultiple times a day
High performersOnce a week to once a month
Medium performersOnce a month to once every six months
Low performersLess than once every six months

Data Sources Required

This metric relies on deployments collected in multiple ways:

  • Open APIs of Jenkins, GitLab, GitHub, etc.
  • Webhook for general CI tools.
  • Releases and PR/MRs from GitHub, GitLab APIs, etc.

Transformation Rules Required

This metric relies on the deployment configuration in Jenkins, GitLab or GitHub transformation rules to let DevLake know what CI builds/jobs can be regarded as deployments.

How to improve?

  • Trunk development. Work in small batches and often merge their work into shared trunks.
  • Integrate CI/CD tools for automated deployment
  • Improve automated test coverage