title: “DORA - Change Failure Rate(WIP)” description: > DORA - Change Failure Rate sidebar_position: 21

What is this metric?

The percentage of changes that were made to a code that then resulted in incidents, rollbacks, or any type of production failure.

Why is it important?

Unlike Deployment Frequency and Lead Time for Changes that measure the throughput, Change Failure Rate measures the stability and quality of software delivery. A low CFR reflects a bad end-user experience as the production failure is relatively high.

Which dashboard(s) does it exist in


How is it calculated?

The number of failures per the number of deployments. For example, if there are five deployments in a day and one causes a failure, that is a 20% change failure rate.

As you can see, there is not much distinction between performance benchmarks for CFR:

Elite performers0%-15%
High performers16%-30%
Medium performers16%-30%
Low performers16%-30%

Data Sources Required

This metric relies on:

  • Deployments collected in one of the following ways:
    • Open APIs of Jenkins, GitLab, GitHub, etc.
    • Webhook for general CI tools.
    • Releases and PR/MRs from GitHub, GitLab APIs, etc.
  • Incidents collected in one of the following ways:
    • Issue tracking tools such as Jira, TAPD, GitHub, etc.
    • Bug or Service Monitoring tools such as PagerDuty, Sentry, etc.
    • CI pipelines that marked the ‘failed’ deployments.

Transformation Rules Required

This metric relies on:

  • Deployment configuration in Jenkins, GitLab or GitHub transformation rules to let DevLake know what CI builds/jobs can be regarded as Deployments.
  • Incident configuration in Jira, GitHub or TAPD transformation rules to let DevLake know what CI builds/jobs can be regarded as Incidents.

How to improve?

  • Add unit tests for all new feature
  • “Shift left”, start QA early and introduce more automated tests
  • Enforce code review if it's not strictly executed