feat: optional grafana install (#94)

7 files changed
tree: 377703310a29c00caad6edd1f177bdca484e534c
  1. .github/
  2. charts/
  3. .asf.yaml
  4. .gitignore
  5. .gitmodules
  6. HelmSetup.md
  8. README.md

Apache Incubator DevLake Helm Chart

Thanks to @matrixji who initiated all content in apache/incubator-devlake, this repo is copied from directory deployment/helm in repo apache/incubator-devlake! Also thanks to @lshmouse, @shubham-cmyk and @SnowMoon-Dev for the contribution for devlake helm deployment.


To install the chart with release name devlake:

helm repo add devlake https://apache.github.io/incubator-devlake-helm-chart
helm repo update
helm install devlake devlake/devlake --version=0.15.1-beta5

If you are using minikube inside your mac, please use the following command to forward the port:

kubectl port-forward service/devlake-ui  30090:4000

and open another terminal:

kubectl port-forward service/devlake-grafana  30091:3000

Then you can visit: config-ui by url http://YOUR-NODE-IP:30090 grafana by url http://YOUR-NODE-IP:30091


helm repo update
helm upgrade --install devlake devlake/devlake --version=0.15.1-beta5


To uninstall/delete the devlake release:

helm uninstall devlake

Original pr in apache/incubator-devlake


How to upgrade helm chart after releasing new devlake images

  1. In values.yaml, change {{ imageTag }} to current image tag
  2. In chart.yaml, change {{ version }}, {{ appVersion }} to current image tag
  3. If we want to release a new chart without new release of devlake, we should increase both chart version and image tag.
    • For example, right now both versions are 0.15.1-beta3, if we make change on chart, we should set chart-version to 0.15.1-beta4, also, we need to crate new images for devlake with tag 0.15.1-beta4
  4. If we release any new image for devlake, we just need to set a new version for chart.

Original pr in apache/incubator-devlake



You could find more examples and details in HelmSetup.md