Terraform module for deploying DataLab SSN K8S cluster

List of variables which should be provided:

access_key_idstringRequired. AWS Access Key ID.
secret_access_keystringRequired. AWS Secret Access Key.
service_base_namestringAny infrastructure value (should be unique if multiple SSN’s have been deployed before). Default: datalab-k8s
vpc_idstringID of AWS VPC if you already have VPC created.
vpc_cidrstringCIDR for VPC creation. Conflicts with vpc_id. Default:
subnet_idstringID of AWS Subnet if you already have subnet created.
subnet_cidrstringCIDR for Subnet creation. Conflicts with subnet_id. Default:
env_osstringOS type. Available options: debian, redhat. Default: debian
amistringRequired. ID of EC2 AMI.
key_namestringRequired. Name of EC2 Key pair.
regionstringName of AWS region. Default: us-west-2
zonestringName of AWS zone. Default: a
ssn_k8s_masters_countintCount of K8S masters. Default: 3
ssn_k8s_workers_countintCount of K8S workers. Default: 2
ssn_root_volume_sizeintSize of root volume in GB. Default: 30
allowed_cidrslistCIDR to allow acces to SSN K8S cluster. Default:
ssn_k8s_masters_shapestringShape for SSN K8S masters. Default: t2.medium
ssn_k8s_workers_shapestringShape for SSN K8S workers. Default: t2.medium
os_userstringName of DataLab service user. Default: datalab-user