blob: be043a247bde24794991ef615749a094d7cba9f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.crail.rpc;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.apache.crail.CrailNodeType;
import org.apache.crail.metadata.BlockInfo;
import org.apache.crail.metadata.DataNodeInfo;
import org.apache.crail.metadata.FileInfo;
import org.apache.crail.metadata.FileName;
public class RpcRequestMessage {
public static class CreateFileReq implements RpcProtocol.NameNodeRpcMessage {
public static int CSIZE = FileName.CSIZE + 16;
protected FileName filename;
protected CrailNodeType type;
protected int storageClass;
protected int locationClass;
protected boolean enumerable;
public CreateFileReq(){
this.filename = new FileName();
this.type = CrailNodeType.DATAFILE;
this.storageClass = 0;
this.locationClass = 0;
this.enumerable = true;
public CreateFileReq(FileName filename, CrailNodeType type, int storageClass, int locationClass, boolean enumerable) {
this.filename = filename;
this.type = type;
this.storageClass = storageClass;
this.locationClass = locationClass;
this.enumerable = enumerable;
public FileName getFileName() {
return filename;
public CrailNodeType getFileType(){
return type;
public int getStorageClass() {
return storageClass;
public int getLocationClass() {
return locationClass;
public boolean isEnumerable() {
return enumerable;
public int size() {
return CSIZE;
public short getType(){
return RpcProtocol.REQ_CREATE_FILE;
public int write(ByteBuffer buffer) {
buffer.putInt(enumerable ? 1 : 0);
return CSIZE;
public void update(ByteBuffer buffer) {
int _type = buffer.getInt();
type = CrailNodeType.parse(_type);
storageClass = buffer.getInt();
locationClass = buffer.getInt();
int _enumerable = buffer.getInt();
enumerable = (_enumerable == 1) ? true : false;
public String toString() {
return "CreateFileReq [filename=" + filename + ", type=" + type
+ ", storageClass=" + storageClass + ", locationClass="
+ locationClass + ", enumerable=" + enumerable + "]";
public static class GetFileReq implements RpcProtocol.NameNodeRpcMessage {
public static int CSIZE = FileName.CSIZE + 4;
protected FileName filename;
protected boolean writeable;
public GetFileReq(){
this.filename = new FileName();
this.writeable = false;
public GetFileReq(FileName filename, boolean writeable) {
this.filename = filename;
this.writeable = writeable;
public FileName getFileName() {
return filename;
public boolean isWriteable(){
return writeable;
public int size() {
return CSIZE;
public short getType(){
return RpcProtocol.REQ_GET_FILE;
public int write(ByteBuffer buffer) {
buffer.putInt(writeable ? 1 : 0);
return CSIZE;
public void update(ByteBuffer buffer) {
int tmp = buffer.getInt();
writeable = (tmp == 1) ? true : false;
public static class SetFileReq implements RpcProtocol.NameNodeRpcMessage {
public static int CSIZE = FileInfo.CSIZE + 4;
protected FileInfo fileInfo;
protected boolean close;
public SetFileReq(){
this.fileInfo = new FileInfo();
this.close = false;
public SetFileReq(FileInfo fileInfo, boolean close) {
this.fileInfo = fileInfo;
this.close = close;
public FileInfo getFileInfo() {
return fileInfo;
public boolean isClose(){
return close;
public int size() {
return CSIZE;
public short getType(){
return RpcProtocol.REQ_SET_FILE;
public int write(ByteBuffer buffer) {
fileInfo.write(buffer, true);
buffer.putInt(close ? 1 : 0);
return CSIZE;
public void update(ByteBuffer buffer) {
try {
int tmp = buffer.getInt();
close = (tmp == 1) ? true : false;
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
public String toString() {
return "SetFileReq [fileInfo=" + fileInfo + ", close=" + close
+ "]";
public static class RemoveFileReq implements RpcProtocol.NameNodeRpcMessage {
public static int CSIZE = FileName.CSIZE + 4;
protected FileName filename;
protected boolean recursive;
public RemoveFileReq(){
this.filename = new FileName();
this.recursive = false;
public RemoveFileReq(FileName filename, boolean recursive) {
this.filename = filename;
this.recursive = recursive;
public FileName getFileName() {
return filename;
public boolean isRecursive(){
return recursive;
public int size() {
return CSIZE;
public short getType(){
return RpcProtocol.REQ_REMOVE_FILE;
public int write(ByteBuffer buffer) {
buffer.putInt(recursive ? 1 : 0);
return CSIZE;
public void update(ByteBuffer buffer) {
int tmp = buffer.getInt();
recursive = (tmp == 1) ? true : false;
public static class RenameFileReq implements RpcProtocol.NameNodeRpcMessage {
public static int CSIZE = FileName.CSIZE*2;
protected FileName srcFileName;
protected FileName dstFileName;
public RenameFileReq(){
this.srcFileName = new FileName();
this.dstFileName = new FileName();
public RenameFileReq(FileName srcFileName, FileName dstFileName) {
this.srcFileName = srcFileName;
this.dstFileName = dstFileName;
public FileName getSrcFileName() {
return srcFileName;
public FileName getDstFileName() {
return dstFileName;
public int size() {
return CSIZE;
public short getType(){
return RpcProtocol.REQ_RENAME_FILE;
public int write(ByteBuffer buffer) {
int written = srcFileName.write(buffer);
written += dstFileName.write(buffer);
return written;
public void update(ByteBuffer buffer) {
public String toString() {
return "RenameFileReq [srcFileName=" + srcFileName
+ ", dstFileName=" + dstFileName + "]";
public static class GetBlockReq implements RpcProtocol.NameNodeRpcMessage {
public static int CSIZE = 32;
protected long fd;
protected long token;
protected long position;
protected long capacity;
public GetBlockReq(){
this.fd = 0;
this.token = 0;
this.position = 0;
this.capacity = 0;
public GetBlockReq(long fd, long token, long position, long capacity) {
this.fd = fd;
this.token = token;
this.position = position;
this.capacity = capacity;
public long getFd() {
return fd;
public long getPosition(){
return this.position;
public long getToken() {
return token;
public long getCapacity(){
return capacity;
public int size() {
return CSIZE;
public short getType(){
return RpcProtocol.REQ_GET_BLOCK;
public int write(ByteBuffer buffer) {
return CSIZE;
public void update(ByteBuffer buffer) {
fd = buffer.getLong();
token = buffer.getLong();
position = buffer.getLong();
capacity = buffer.getLong();
public String toString() {
return "GetBlockReq [fd=" + fd + ", token=" + token + ", position="
+ position + ", capacity=" + capacity + "]";
public void setToken(long value) {
this.token = value;
public static class GetLocationReq implements RpcProtocol.NameNodeRpcMessage {
public static int CSIZE = FileName.CSIZE + 8;
protected FileName fileName;
protected long position;
public GetLocationReq(){
this.fileName = new FileName();
this.position = 0;
public GetLocationReq(FileName fileName, long position) {
this.fileName = fileName;
this.position = position;
public long getPosition(){
return this.position;
public FileName getFileName() {
return fileName;
public int size() {
return CSIZE;
public short getType(){
return RpcProtocol.REQ_GET_LOCATION;
public int write(ByteBuffer buffer) {
return CSIZE;
public void update(ByteBuffer buffer) {
position = buffer.getLong();
public static class SetBlockReq implements RpcProtocol.NameNodeRpcMessage {
public static int CSIZE = BlockInfo.CSIZE;
protected BlockInfo blockInfo;
public SetBlockReq() {
this.blockInfo = new BlockInfo();
public SetBlockReq(BlockInfo blockInfo) {
this.blockInfo = blockInfo;
public BlockInfo getBlockInfo() throws Exception {
return blockInfo;
public int size() {
return CSIZE;
public short getType(){
return RpcProtocol.REQ_SET_BLOCK;
public int write(ByteBuffer buffer){
int written = blockInfo.write(buffer);
return written;
public void update(ByteBuffer buffer) {
try {
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
public String toString() {
return "SetBlockReq [blockInfo=" + blockInfo + "]";
public static class GetDataNodeReq implements RpcProtocol.NameNodeRpcMessage {
public static int CSIZE = DataNodeInfo.CSIZE;
protected DataNodeInfo dnInfo;
public GetDataNodeReq(){
this.dnInfo = new DataNodeInfo();
public GetDataNodeReq(DataNodeInfo dnInfo) {
this.dnInfo = dnInfo;
public DataNodeInfo getInfo(){
return this.dnInfo;
public int size() {
return CSIZE;
public short getType(){
return RpcProtocol.REQ_GET_DATANODE;
public int write(ByteBuffer buffer) {
int written = dnInfo.write(buffer);
return written;
public void update(ByteBuffer buffer) {
try {
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
public static class DumpNameNodeReq implements RpcProtocol.NameNodeRpcMessage {
public static int CSIZE = 4;
protected int op;
public DumpNameNodeReq(){
this.op = 0;
public int getOp() {
return op;
public int size() {
return CSIZE;
public short getType(){
return RpcProtocol.REQ_DUMP_NAMENODE;
public int write(ByteBuffer buffer) {
return CSIZE;
public void update(ByteBuffer buffer) {
op = buffer.getInt();
public static class PingNameNodeReq implements RpcProtocol.NameNodeRpcMessage {
public static int CSIZE = 4;
protected int op;
public PingNameNodeReq(){
this.op = 0;
public int getOp(){
return this.op;
public int size() {
return CSIZE;
public short getType(){
return RpcProtocol.REQ_PING_NAMENODE;
public int write(ByteBuffer buffer) {
return CSIZE;
public void update(ByteBuffer buffer) {
op = buffer.getInt();