blob: 9e99f726d46dace237d77a4cc4d550f38f27715d [file] [log] [blame]
.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
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.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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.. the License.
The iobench tool allows to perform microbenchmarks on Crail.
Synchronously write 1MB 1024 times to get a 1GB file:
.. code-block:: bash
$CRAIL_HOME/bin/crail iobench -t write -f /filename -s $((1024*1024)) -k 1024
Read 1024 1MB buffers asynchronously with a batch size of 4:
.. code-block:: bash
$CRAIL_HOME/bin/crail iobench -t readSequentialAsync -f /filename -s $((1024*1024)) -k 1024 -b 4
Command Reference
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Argument
- Default
- Experiment type
- Description
* - :code:`-t <experiment>`
- *-*
- N/A
- * :code:`write` - sequential sync write
* :code:`writeAsync` - sequential async write
* :code:`readSequential` - sequential sync read
* :code:`readRandom` - random sync read
* :code:`readSequentialAsync` - sequential async read
* :code:`readMultiStream` - multistream read
* :code:`createFile` - create file RPC
* :code:`createFileAsync` - create file async RPC
* :code:`createMultiFile` - create multifile
* :code:`getKey` - getKey RPC
* :code:`getFile` - getFile sync RPC
* :code:`getFileAsync` - getFile async RPC
* :code:`enumerateDir` - enumerate directory
* :code:`browseDir` - browse directory
* :code:`writeInt` - write integer
* :code:`readInt` - read integer
* :code:`seekInt` - seek integer
* :code:`readMultiStreamInt` - read integer multistream
* :code:`printLocationclass` - print machine's location class
* - :code:`-f <path>`
- /tmp.dat
- * :code:`write`
* :code:`writeAsync`
* :code:`readSequential`
* :code:`readRandom`
* :code:`readSequentialAsync`
* :code:`readMultiStream`
* :code:`createFile`
* :code:`createFileAsync`
* :code:`createMultiFile`
* :code:`getKey`
* :code:`getFile`
* :code:`getFileAsync`
* :code:`enumerateDir`
* :code:`browseDir`
* :code:`writeInt`
* :code:`readInt`
* :code:`seekInt`
* :code:`readMultiStreamInt`
- Path to perform operation with
* - :code:`-s <size>`
- :ref:`crail.buffersize <crail-site.conf>`
- * :code:`write`
* :code:`writeAsync`
* :code:`readSequential`
* :code:`readRandom`
* :code:`readSequentialAsync`
* :code:`readMultiStream`
* :code:`getKey`
- Buffer size in bytes. Only relevant for buffered experiments.
* - :code:`-k <n>`
- 1
- * :code:`write`
* :code:`writeAsync`
* :code:`readSequential`
* :code:`readRandom`
* :code:`readSequentialAsync`
* :code:`readMultiStream`
* :code:`createFile`
* :code:`createFileAsync`
* :code:`getKey`
* :code:`getFile`
* :code:`getFileAsync`
* :code:`writeInt`
* :code:`readInt`
* :code:`seekInt`
* :code:`readMultiStreamInt`
- Number of operations to perform
* - :code:`-b <size>`
- 1
- * :code:`writeAsync`
* :code:`readSequentialAsync`
* :code:`readMultiStream`
* :code:`createFileAsync`
* :code:`createMultiFile`
* :code:`getFileAsync`
* :code:`enumerateDir`
* :code:`readMultiStreamInt`
- Batch size of asynchronous requests.
* - :code:`-c <storage_class>`
- 0
- * :code:`write`
* :code:`writeAsync`
* :code:`createFile`
- Storage class of file.
* - :code:`-p <location_class>`
- 0
- * :code:`write`
* :code:`writeAsync`
* :code:`createFile`
- Location class of file
* - :code:`-w <n>`
- 32
- * :code:`write`
* :code:`writeAsync`
* :code:`readSequential`
* :code:`readRandom`
* :code:`readSequentialAsync`
* :code:`readMultiStream`
* :code:`createFile`
* :code:`createFileAsync`
* :code:`getFile`
* :code:`getFileAsync`
* :code:`enumerateDir`
- Number of warmup operations
* - :code:`-e <experiments>`
- 1
- * :code:`readSequential`
* :code:`readRandom`
* :code:`readSequentialAsync`
* :code:`readMultiStream`
- Number of experiments to run
* - :code:`-o <true/false>`
- false
- * :code:`readSequential`
* :code:`readRandom`
* :code:`readSequentialAsync`
* :code:`readMultiStream`
- Keep file system open between experiments
* - :code:`-d <true/false>`
- false
- * :code:`write`
* :code:`writeAsync`
- Skip writing directory record
* - :code:`-m <true/false`
- true
- * :code:`write`
* :code:`readSequential`
* :code:`readRandom`
- Use buffered streams