layout: default title: I/O Challenges

  • Performance: today's data processing stacks employ many software layers, which is key to making the stacks modular and flexible to use. But the software layers also impose overheads during I/O operations that prevent applications from enjoying the full potential of the high-performance hardware. To eliminate these overheads, I/O operations must interact with the hardware directly from within the application context using principles like RDMA, DPDK or SPDK.

  • New opportunities: the improved performance of modern networking and storage hardware opens the door to rethinking the interplay of I/O and compute in a distributed data processing system. For instance, low latency remote data access enables schedulers to relax on data locality and in turn make better use of compute resources. At one extreme, storage resources can be completely disaggregated which is more cost effective and simplifies maintenance.

  • Heterogeneity: with modern hardware, I/O operations are becoming more complex. Not only are there more options to store data (disk, flash, DRAM, disaggregated storage, etc.) but also it is getting increasingly important to use storage resources efficiently. For instance, some newer technologies such as phase change memory (PCM) permit data access at byte granularity. Mediating storage access through a block device interface is a bad fit in such a case. Moreover, with accelerators like GPUs or FPGAs extending the traditional compute layer, new distributed interfaces to accelerator-local memories are needed.

In the Blog section we discuss each of those challenges in more detail.

Crail Architecture

Crail uses DiSNI, a user-level network and storage stack for the Java virtual machine. DiSNI allows data to be exchanged in a zero-copy fashion between Java I/O memory and remote storage resources over RDMA.

The Crail HDFS adaptor enables users to access Crail using the standard HDFS API. For instance, administrators can interact with Crail using the standard HDFS shell:

./bin/crail fs -mkdir /test
./bin/crail fs -ls /
./bin/crail fs -copyFromLocal <path-to-local-file> 
./bin/crail fs -cat /test/<file-name>

Moreover, regular HDFS-based applications will transparently work with Crail when using fully qualified path names (or when specifying Crail as the default Hadoop file system):

Configuration conf = new Configuration();
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
spark.shuffle.manager		org.apache.spark.shuffle.crail.CrailShuffleManager
spark.broadcast.factory		org.apache.spark.broadcast.CrailBroadcastFactory