layout: page title: Publish-Subscribe Messagiung toc: /toc.json

This example shows how a simple messaging application can be build in brooklyn, starting with configuring and launching a broker. For these examples we will use the Apache Qpid Java AMQP message broker and clients using the JMS API.

{% readj ../ %}

Now, go to this particular example's directory:

{% highlight bash %} % cd simple-messaging-pubsub {% endhighlight %}

The CLI needs to know where to find your compiled examples. You can set this up by exporting the BROOKLYN_CLASSPATH environment variable in the following way:

{% highlight bash %} % export BROOKLYN_CLASSPATH=$(pwd)/target/classes {% endhighlight %}

The project simple-messaging-pubsub includes a deployment descriptor for our example messaging application and simple Publish and Subscribe JMS test client scripts.

Single Broker

The first example will include a Qpid broker, which we will customize to use the Oracle BDB message store as an example of a typical production setup. We will also create a queue for use by a pair of test clients.

The QpidBroker entity is created like this, which uses the default configuration, specifying only the AMQP port and creates no queues or topics:

{% highlight java %} public class StandaloneQpidBrokerExample extends AbstractApplication { @Override public void init() { // Configure the Qpid broker entity QpidBroker broker = addChild(EntitySpec.create(QpidBroker.class) .configure(“amqpPort”, 5672)); } } {% endhighlight %}

To install the custom configuration files and extra libraries for BDB, we specify some files to copy to the broker installation, using the runtimeFiles property. These files should be available in the classpath of the application when it is running, usually by copying them to the src/main/resources directory. For example, here we copy a custom XML configuration file and a new password file:

{% highlight java %} final String CUSTOM_CONFIG_PATH = “classpath://custom-config.xml”; final String PASSWD_PATH = “classpath://passwd”;

	QpidBroker broker = addChild(EntitySpec.create(QpidBroker.class)
	        .configure("amqpPort", 5672)
	        .configure("amqpVersion", AmqpServer.AMQP_0_10)
	        .configure("runtimeFiles", ImmutableMap.builder()
	                .put(QpidBroker.CONFIG_XML, CUSTOM_CONFIG_PATH)
	                .put(QpidBroker.PASSWD, PASSWD_PATH)

{% endhighlight %}

Finally, we come to the complete configuration of our QpidBroker entity using the BDB store. The additional properties here specify the AMQP version and that a queue named testQueue should be created on startup.

{% highlight java %} final String CUSTOM_CONFIG_PATH = “classpath://custom-config.xml”; final String PASSWD_PATH = “classpath://passwd”; final String QPID_BDBSTORE_JAR_PATH = “classpath://qpid-bdbstore-0.14.jar”; final String BDBSTORE_JAR_PATH = “classpath://je-5.0.34.jar”;

	QpidBroker broker = addChild(EntitySpec.create(QpidBroker.class)
	        .configure("amqpPort", 5672)
	        .configure("amqpVersion", AmqpServer.AMQP_0_10)
	        .configure("runtimeFiles", ImmutableMap.builder()
	                .put(QpidBroker.CONFIG_XML, CUSTOM_CONFIG_PATH)
	                .put(QpidBroker.PASSWD, PASSWD_PATH)
	                .put("lib/opt/qpid-bdbstore-0.14.jar", QPID_BDBSTORE_JAR_PATH)
	                .put("lib/opt/je-5.0.34.jar", BDBSTORE_JAR_PATH)
	        .configure("queue", "testQueue"));

{% endhighlight %}

Running the Example

You can build and run the example (on *nix or Mac) after checking out the Brooklyn repository as follows:

{% highlight bash %} % ${BROOKLYN_HOME}/bin/brooklyn -v launch --app brooklyn.demo.StandaloneQpidBrokerExample --location localhost {% endhighlight %}

Now, visit the Brooklyn web console on port 8081 (for pre 0.6 releases, use the credentials admin/password). This allows you to view the Brooklyn entities and their current state for debugging.

Note that the installation may take some time, because the default deployment downloads the software from the official repos. You can monitor start-up activity for each entity in the Activity pane in the management console, and see more detail by tailing the log file (tail -f brooklyn.log).

After starting up, the demo script should display a summary of all the Brooklyn managed entities and their attributes. This will show both the Qpid broker and its child entity, the queue testQueue which was created at startup. The queue entity has sensors that monitor the depth of unread messages, which you can check while running the test client scripts later.

If the -v flag is passed to the startup command, all configured entity and sensor details will be output. This includes the broker URL, which is used to configure JMS clients to connect to this broker. This URL can also be viewed as a sensor attribute in the web console, named broker.url.

This sensor is common to all messaging brokers that Brooklyn provides, and is usually accessed by applications to allow them to provide it as a parameter to other entities, as shown in the code fragment below.

{% highlight java %} String url = broker.getAttribute(MessageBroker.BROKER_URL) {% endhighlight %}

Using the URL the demo script printed, you can run the test Subscribe and then Publish classes, to send messages using the broker. Simply run the commands in another window, with the provided URL as the only argument. Note that the URLs may be different to those printed below, and that any unquoted & characters must be escaped, if present.

{% highlight bash %} % URL=“amqp://guest:guest@/localhost?brokerlist=tcp://localhost:5672’” % java -cp “./resources/lib/*:./target/classes” brooklyn.demo.Subscribe ${URL} % java -cp “./resources/lib/*:./target/classes” brooklyn.demo.Publish ${URL} {% endhighlight %}

In the Publish window you should see a log message every time a message is sent, like this:

{% highlight bash %} 2012-05-02 14:04:38,521 INFO Sent message 65 2012-05-02 14:04:39,522 INFO Sent message 66 {% endhighlight %}

Similarly, the Subscribe windows should log on reciept of these messages, as follows:

{% highlight bash %} 2012-05-02 14:04:32,522 INFO got message 41 test message 41 2012-05-02 14:04:33,523 INFO got message 42 test message 42 {% endhighlight %}

Cloud Deployment

With appropriate setup (as described [here]({{ site.url }}/use/guide/management/index.html#startup-config)) this can also be deployed to your favourite cloud, let‘s pretend it’s Amazon Ireland, as follows:

{% highlight bash %} % ${BROOKLYN_HOME}/bin/brooklyn launch --app brooklyn.demo.StandaloneQpidBrokerExample --location aws-ec2:eu-west-1 {% endhighlight %}

If you encounter any difficulties, please [tell us]({{ site.url }}/meta/contact.html) and we'll do our best to help.