layout: page title: Release Process toc: /toc.json

Brooklyn is published to two locations:

  • Sonatype, for snapshots and for staging releases
  • Maven Central, for full (GA and milestone) releases

Brooklyn artifacts are generally downloaded from:

  1. Maven Central,
  2. Sonatype,
  3. GitHub.

To publish:

  • a snapshot release:
    • mvn deploy to Sonatype
    • (optional) publish versioned docs to project
  • a (milestone) release:
    • same as above, but with some git versioning
    • deploy to Sonatype, then release to Maven Central
    • deploy a version branch to brooklyn-examples
    • deploy (or update) versioned docs
  • a major release:
    • same as above, and
    • in addition to versioned examples, update brooklyn-examples master to match the current (stable) release
    • in addition to versioned docs, publish full (front page) docs to project
    • bump the snapshot version in brooklyn master to the next release


Your .m2/settings.xml must be configured with the right credentials for Sonatype

		<username> ... </username>
		<password> ... </password>
		<username> ... </username>
		<password> ... </password>

You must be configured to sign artifacts using PGP.

If this is the first time you have used Sonatype, the Sonatype - Maven Usage Guide is required reading.

The code snippets below use the following variables: {% highlight bash %}

export BROOKLYN_DIR=/path/to/brooklyncentral-brooklyn export EXAMPLES_DIR=/path/to/brooklyncentral-brooklyn-examples export SITE_DIR=/path/to/

export SNAPSHOT_VERSION=0.6.0-SNAPSHOT export RELEASE_VERSION=0.6.0-M1 {% endhighlight %}

Preparing a Snapshot Release

Deploy to Sonatype

Execute the following: {% highlight bash %} mvn -Dbrooklyn.deployTo=sonatype -DskipTests clean install deploy {% endhighlight %}

(Option) Publish snapshot docs.

(Only required if there have been significant changes to docs or java docs.)

{% highlight bash %}

cd $BROOKLYN_DIR/docs git checkout master

if [ ! -f $SITE_DIR/index.html ] ; then echo “could not find docs in $SITE_DIR” ; exit 1 ; fi

Build the docs

_scripts/ || { echo “failed to build docs” ; exit 1 ; }

Wipe any previous edition of the same version, replacing with new build.


and push, causing GitHub to republish with updated /v/$SNAPSHOT_VERSION/

pushd $SITE_DIR git add -A . git commit -m “Updated version docs for version $SNAPSHOT_VERSION” git push popd

{% endhighlight %}

Preparing a (Milestone) Release

Prepare a Release Branch

{% highlight bash %}

cd $BROOKLYN_DIR git checkout -b $RELEASE_VERSION usage/scripts/ $SNAPSHOT_VERSION $RELEASE_VERSION git commit -a -m “Changed version to $RELEASE_VERSION” git push -u upstream $RELEASE_VERSION

{% endhighlight %}

Deploy to Sonatype, and Close the repo.

{% highlight bash %} mvn -Dbrooklyn.deployTo=sonatype -DskipTests clean install deploy {% endhighlight %}

Update the brooklyn-examples repo's version Branch

{% highlight bash %}


pushd $BROOKLYN_DIR git checkout $RELEASE_VERSION popd

if [ ! -d simple-web-cluster ] ; then echo “wrong dir” ; exit 1 ; fi git checkout master git checkout -b $RELEASE_VERSION rm -rf * cp -r $BROOKLYN_DIR/examples/* . rm -rf target git add -A git commit -m “branch for $RELEASE_VERSION” git push -u origin $RELEASE_VERSION

{% endhighlight %}

Update the Versioned Docs

{% highlight bash %}

cd $BROOKLYN_DIR/docs git checkout $RELEASE_VERSION

if [ ! -f $SITE_DIR/index.html ] ; then echo “could not find docs in $SITE_DIR” ; exit 1 ; fi

Build the docs

_scripts/ || { echo “failed to build docs” ; exit 1 ; }

Wipe any previous edition of the same version, replacing with new build.


and push, causing GitHub to republish with updated /v/$RELEASE_VERSION/

pushd $SITE_DIR git add -A . git commit -m “Updated version docs for version $RELEASE_VERSION” git push popd

{% endhighlight %}

Preparing a Full Release

Complete all above steps.

Deploy to Maven Central

Deploy the Examples master branch.

{% highlight bash %}


pushd $BROOKLYN_DIR git checkout $RELEASE_VERSION popd

if [ ! -d simple-web-cluster ] ; then echo “wrong dir” ; exit 1 ; fi git checkout master rm -rf * cp -r $BROOKLYN_DIR/examples/* . rm -rf target git add -A git commit -m “Updated to $RELEASE_VERSION” git push -u origin master

{% endhighlight %}

Update the Front Page Version

{% highlight bash %}


pushd $SITE_DIR

remove old root files, but not the previous version in /v/

if [ -f start/index.html ] ; then for x in * ; do if [[ $x != “v” ]] ; then rm -rf $x ; fi ; done else echo IN WRONG DIRECTORY $SITE_DIR - export SITE_DIR to continue exit 1 fi popd

re-build for hosting at / rather than at /v/VERSION/

_scripts/ --url "" || { echo “failed to build docs” ; exit 1 ; }

copy to site dir

cp -r _site/* $SITE_DIR/

and git push

pushd $SITE_DIR git add -A . git commit -m “Updated root docs for version $RELEASE_VERSION” git push popd

{% endhighlight %}


Update Snapshot Version

{% highlight bash %}


cd $BROOKLYN_DIR git checkout master usage/scripts/ $SNAPSHOT_VERSION $NEW_SNAPSHOT_VERSION git commit -a -m “Changed version to $NEW_SNAPSHOT_VERSION” git push -u upstream master

{% endhighlight %}