tree: 200c6ddf858cd9c61ff4d8ac227142d53d1e4b99 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml


This is a Sample Brooklyn project, showing how to define an application which Brooklyn will deploy and manage.

To build an assembly, simply run:

mvn clean assembly:assembly

You can then run the built application with:

cd target/brooklyn-sample-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-dist/brooklyn-sample-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT
./ server

For more information see the README (or ./ help) in that directory.

Opening in an IDE

To open this project in an IDE, you will need maven support enabled (e.g. with the relevant plugin). You should then be able to develop it and run it as usual. For more information on IDE support, visit:

Customizing the Assembly

The artifacts (directory and tar.gz by default) which get built into target/ can be changed. Simply edit the relevant files under src/main/assembly.

You will likely wish to customize the SampleMain class as well as the Sample*App classes provided. That is the intention! You will also likely want to update the script and the README.* files.

To easily find the bits you should customize, do a:

grep -ri sample src/ *.*

More About Brooklyn

Brooklyn is a code library and framework for managing applications in a cloud-first dev-ops-y way. It has been used to create this sample project which shows how to define an application and entities for Brooklyn.

This project can be extended for more complex topologies and more interesting applications, and to develop the policies to scale or tune the deployment depending on what the application needs.

For more information consider:

For commercial enquiries -- including bespoke development and paid support -- contact Cloudsoft, the supporters of Brooklyn, at:

Brooklyn is (c) 2013 Cloudsoft Corporation and released as open source under the Apache License v2.0.

A sample Brooklyn project should specify its license.