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Brooklyn makes it easy to describe how to launch and manage sophisticated distributed applications. Let's start with an example of a three tier application composed of:

  • an Nginx load-balancer
  • a cluster of JBoss appservers
  • a MySQL database

Here's the essential code which creates these and sets them up for management:

{% highlight java %} public class WebClusterDatabaseExample extends AbstractApplication { ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster web = new ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster(this); MySqlNode mysql = new MySqlNode(this);
{% endhighlight %}

Runtime: the Web Console

Run this Brooklyn “Application”, specifying a target location, and our application is deployed. Amazon is used in these screenshots, but lots of targets are supported (using jclouds) including fixed IP addresses and private clouds, or just localhost (very handy for dev/test, and with port conflicts resolved automatically!).

Web Console

The management console provides a view on to the entities that launched, including the hierarchy (appservers grouped into a cluster) and their locations. Brooklyn collects information from these entities (“sensors”), aggregates these for clusters and other groups (using “enrichers”), and exposes operations (“effectors”) that can be performed on entities.

Web Console Details

Some Configuration and Management

Of course in the real world, application deployments are more interesting; they do things and need configuration. For instance you might need to:

  • specify a WAR file
  • initialize the database
  • tell the webapp servers where to find the database

Let‘s show how these are done using Brooklyn. We assume the WAR file and the database init script are accessible on the classpath, but a range of URL formats is supported. The “dependent inter-process configuration” -- giving the database’s URL to the webapps -- we‘ll do here with a JVM system property, but you’re free to use any mechanism you wish. Under the covers, valueWhenAttributeReady is monitoring a sensor from MySQL and generating a string to pass to the webapp software processes; due to the use of closures, the Brooklyn webapp entities will automatically block “at the last moment” when the value is needed (but after e.g. the VMs have been provisioned, to speed things up).

{% highlight java %} public class WebClusterDatabaseExample extends AbstractApplication { ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster webCluster = new ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster(this, war: “classpath://hello-world-webapp.war”);

MySqlNode mysql = new MySqlNode(this, 
    creationScriptUrl: "classpath://visitors-database-setup.sql"); 

        httpPort: "8080+", 
            // -Dbrooklyn.example.db.url="jdbc:mysql://
            //     /visitors?user=brooklyn\\&password=br00k11n"
            ["brooklyn.example.db.url": valueWhenAttributeReady(mysql, MySqlNode.MYSQL_URL,
                { "jdbc:"+it+"visitors?user=brooklyn\\&password=br00k11n" }) ]);

} {% endhighlight %}

We now see our app at the Nginx URL:

Our Web App

Finally, we‘ll bring in some active management: we’re going to monitor requests per second, and scale out if this exceeds 100 up to a maximum of 5 servers. This is a naively simple policy, but it shows Brooklyn's real metier, running management policies for applications whose topology it knows.

{% highlight java %} { web.cluster.addPolicy( new ResizerPolicy(DynamicWebAppCluster.AVERAGE_REQUESTS_PER_SECOND). setSizeRange(1, 5). setMetricRange(10, 100); } {% endhighlight %}

Policies in Brooklyn typically subscribe to sensors, perform some computation, and if necessary invoke effectors on entities. This is where the ability to group entities becomes very useful -- policies can be attached to group entities, and groups themselves can be hierarchical. It's also handy that often Brooklyn creates the entities, so it knows what the hierarchy is.

Under the covers, this ResizerPolicy attaches to any Resizable entity (exposing a resize effector), and monitors a specified sensor (or function) attempting to keep it within healthy limits. A separate policy operates at the Controlled cluster to ensure the load-balancer is updated as the pool of web servers expands and contracts.

Fire up a JMeter session and blast the Nginx address. The resizer policy scales up our cluster:

Web Cluster Scaling with the Resizer Policy

Run it Yourself

All the code for this walkthrough (and even the JMeter script) is included with Brooklyn as the simple-web-cluster example, described in detail here.

For your applications, you might want to mix in other data stores, messaging systems, or on-line services including PaaS. Brooklyn supports some of these out-of-the-box, including a wide-range of tools which it can use Whirr to provision, such as Hadoop. But if you have something you don't see, let us know -- we want to work with you to write a new entity or policy and contribute it.