layout: page title: Downloads toc: ../toc.json


The Distro

You can grab the distribution artifact, containing Brooklyn, its dependencies and launch scripts, here:

Just download your preferred flavour and unpack.

The All Jar

You can grab a single JAR containing all of Brooklyn and its dependencies here:

Just download your preferred flavour and add it to your classpath.


You can clone the most recent stable examples from the brooklyn-examples git repository:

{% highlight bash %} % git clone {% endhighlight %}

You can also download them from here.

If you prefer to do this from the command-line, use:

{% highlight bash %} % curl -L -o brooklyn-latest.tgz {% endhighlight %}

If you are looking for a specific version (versions of the examples are aligned with Brooklyn non-snapshot releases) try the following command:

{% highlight bash %} % curl -L -o brooklyn-0.4.0-M2.tgz {% endhighlight %}

Once you have the examples you can build them with maven (v3).

Note however, that you still need to have the Brooklyn installed in order to run them.

A good entry point is the Elastic Web Cluster.


If you use maven, you can add Brooklyn with the following entries in your pom:

{% highlight xml %} cloudsoft-releases libs-snapshot-local true never fail


{% endhighlight %}

Brooklyn-All (used above) brings in all dependencies, including jclouds and Apache Whirr. If you prefer a smaller repo you might want just brooklyn-core, brooklyn-policies, and some of: brooklyn-software-webapp, brooklyn-software-database, brooklyn-software-messaging, brooklyn-systems-hadoop. (Browse the full list here.)

TODO: we are moving to mavencentral so the repositories section will shortly be unnecessary

Source Code

Full source is at Information on working with the source is [here]({{ site.url }}/dev/code).

Alternatively you can download archives of the source directly: